Energiforsk 09 Maj, 2017
Meva Energy in short Biomass gasification based on entrained flow gasification Two applications: Decentralized renewable CHP Decentralized renewable gas production Standard plant dimensions of 1.2 MWe and 2.4 MWth (CHP) or 3,5 MWgas (gas application) Developed to utilize fine fraction biomass fuels, such as wood dust, straw, rice husks, bark Spring 2017: InnoEnergy invests 2.9 MEUR in Meva Energy The Hortlax plant: heat delivery system
The product: industrial scale biomass gasification CHP/gas plant 3
Trigeneration instead of boilers: more revenue from the resource - Getting a high-revenue OPEX: convert the resource to high value production Heat (for 20-60 EUR/ MWh) With a boiler: With Meva Energy: Power (for 80- 300 EUR/ MWh) Heat (for 20-60 EUR/MWh) Biocoal (for 300- 1000 EUR/ton)
Hortlax – Primary reactor Bottleneck: Primary reactor produces syngas, biochar and tar About 15-20% of foul bound energy is converted to char and tar Solution: secondary conversion of biochar and tar to valuable syngas Secondary conversion conditions biochar to avoid PAH.
Project – Secondary gasifier Purpose: Verify char and tar conversion to valuable syngas Optimize process conditions for maximum cold gas efficiency Target: 75% overall cold gas efficiency and 1200 kWe Main process parameters: Temperature (800-1150 °C), residence time (1-15 s) and inlet air temperature (20-500 °C)
Hortlax – Reject gasifier design Reactor vessel in Inconel Reactor operates at atmospheric pressure up to 1150 °C Fuel capacity: 20 kg/h i.e. 200 kW Tar and char gasification in suspension, final char gasification on an adjustable grate Air preheating up to 500 °C Reactor preheating by 15 kW ceramic electrical heaters Cooled flanges in SS316 Fuel and air nozzles inspired by coke injection nozzles in blast furnaces Integrated in the Hortlax PLC Special air-atomized tar nozzles to produce a fine mist without clogging
Results from initial tar cracking trials
Results from operation with saw dust Beräknade CGE värden är inte korrigerade för extern värme tillförd via keramiska halvskal eller genom tillförsel av överhettad ånga eller förvärmd luft
Thanks! mevaenergy.com niclas.davidsson@mevaenergy.com