SIMS Academic Management By John Dickie
What is Academic Management? There are two sides (Structures) in SIMS Pastoral Structure - Years and Reg Groups Academic Structure - Subject Classes Pastoral Setup and allocation of students to Years and Reg Groups Academic Subject classes and allocation of students to those classes Both are date specific so SIMS will track changes to any of the memberships
Outline for this Session Permissions. Where does Academic Data come from. Tools Menu Assigning multiple students to a class Assigning classes to a single student Assigning multiple classes to multiple students Changing the classes for a student Course Manager Year End Permissions. Where does Academic Data come from. Nova T6 Managing Classroom Staff Tools Menu Setting Tier Setting Academic Year Assigning multiple students to a class Random Allocation Carousels - rotation subjects e.g half termly swap of Drama/Music or Art/Dt Assigning classes to a single student - useful for new starters during a year Assigning multiple classes to multiple students - useful for checking allocations Changing the classes for a student - change of Set or option choice Course Manager - Allocation of HoD’s & grouping classes into Course (KS1,2,3, GCSE, GCEAS or GCE) for HOD marksheets and Exams. Year End Academic Promotion Exporting & Importing Student Memberships Transfer from Options
Permissions in SIMS Full Access Timetabler School Administrator Slightly Restricted Curricular Manager (excludes timetable import, edit and “Apply” routine) Other Groups have a more restricted access (search My Account for “SIMS Permissions Spreadsheet”)
Where does academic data come from? Nova T6 Terminology Scheme Bands Blocks Classes\Clusters Courses Scheme - is populated by one or more source groups containing students that are eligible for membership. Simply put it is a “grouping” of bands, blocks or classes based on your timetable structure Bands - Subdivision of a year in order to manage resources better Blocks - groups of subjects that will go on at same time on timetable e.g option blocks, maths block Classes\Clusters - same thing really Courses - groups of classes following the same course of study (KS1,2,3, GCSE, GCEAS or GCE)
Tools Menu Click for 2 most important ones We will see Course Manager later - allocation of Hod’s and HoF’s
Current Academic Tier This only affects you and no-one else. Use in Multi-phase schools. Restricts selections in Academic Screens. Needed if using multiple timetables and you have different numbers of periods in each timetable. Reg Tutors need to set this if they want to see lessons on their AM/PM Registers. This affects a lot of screens - Timetables, Student List Reports etc Use in Multi-phase schools Restricts selections in Academic Screens Needed if using multiple timetables and you have different numbers of periods in each timetable. Reg Tutors need to set this if they want to see lessons on their AM/PM Registers
Select Academic Year This only affects you and no other SIMS users.
Assigning multiple students to a class Curriculum Assignment by Scheme Date Range (Important) Random Allocation Allocation by Reg Group Filter list of Students Carousels Viewing a Students membership timeline Actions Date Range Year or Custom Dates This Date forward Don’t ask me again Random Allocation Allocation by Reg Group Sort by Column Filter Students Gender for PE classes Carousels ART/DT/Drama/Music etc Students membership timelines Actions Use button or Right click Double click on student to see timeline for this block or click Pupil link at top for all class allocations Right Click for Actions List Display additional columns of data or assessments
Go Into Curriculum Assignment by Scheme Search Explain list Base Bands - types Bands, Blocks, Clusters Use of Up Level and Down Level buttons Date Range Screen Allocation screen - tick grid to allocate Sort by Reg Group - click on first then last and allocate Filter by Gender - useful for PE class allocations Allocation button Random allocation Pupil Carousel Rotation Wizard
Assigning classes to a single student More useful for editing existing students or adding a classes for new starters. Academic Status on Browse used for checking : All Timetable Clashes Unresolved Timetable Clashes Missing Memberships Ineligible Memberships Alternative Curriculum More useful for editing existing students or adding a classes for new starters. Academic Status on Browse used for checking : All Timetable Clashes Unresolved Timetable Clashes Missing Memberships - students not allocated to classes in a block Ineligible Memberships - allocating students to classes in other years Alternative Curriculum - timetable that sits above or overlays your timetable and allows you to remove students from specific periods. We use for EAL
Alternative Curriculum Alt: 7/Ea1 (8) English (4) 7/En1 7/En2 7/En3 7/Ea1 MFL A (2) 7A/Fr1 7A/Md1 7A/Ml1 7A/Sp1 7A/Ea1 MFL B (2) 7B/Fr1 7B/Md1 7B/Ml1 7B/Sp1 7B/Ea1
Marie Aamann No EN or MFL all Y9 ACQ - Alt Curric - Remove all memberships for the year Base Band 9W Add band and see how rest opens up - no EN or MFL - show alternative curric
Assigning multiple classes to multiple students Whole Curriculum Assignment Can see all blocks in a band and all classes within those blocks Useful for checking
Changing the classes for a student Using the Pupil Curriculum in the Student Record
Course Manager All information comes from Nova T6 (Assigning Levels) Allocation of Heads of Faculty (HoF)/Department(HoD) to Courses Creation of Course marksheets for HoF’s/HoD’s Manually set up Courses All information comes from Nova T6 (Assigning Levels) Allocation of Heads of Faculty (HoF)/Department(HoD) to Courses Creation of Course marksheets for HoF’s/HoD’s Manually set up Courses - i.e. Manadarin first language and foreign language - both are GCSE and only have 1 Mandarin subject code
Year End Academic Promotion - Class Allocations in a block can be promoted from one year to next e.g. Year 10 to Year 11 option subjects Memberships can be exported and imported as “Excel Files” Memberships can be transferred from Options