Saki’s The Interlopers
Author Author Saki Real Name: Hector Hugh Munro Known for stories with wit and satire The Interlopers focuses less on these characteristics; however, it does feature another Saki forte: a conclusion with a twist.
Clue Number 1 As we move through this relatively concise short story, make inferences about different possible conclusions.
General Information General Information The story takes place in the Carpathian Mountains, a range of mountains in Europe The story centers around two bitter rivals, Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym This rivalry has lasted generations
Clue Number 2 2. Make another inference about how the concepts of rivalry and rocky, heavily wooded terrain could work well together in a story.
Literary Focus Literary Focus Setting The two rivals hunt for each other in blinding snow and bone chilling cold They look for each other on land they both prize and feel is their own This prize land they are fighting over has very little monitory value
Clue Number 3 2. Using your critical thinking skills, try to make an inference about why these two bitter rivals would care about land with very little value.
Literary Focus Literary Focus Narrative Point of View Irony and Climax 3rd Person Point of View (Limited): The narration is detached, but limited to only 1 of the hunters. The story’s irony and climax occur at the conclusion of the story. The ending fittingly puts in perspective the destructive nature of the rivalry.
Clue Number 4 2. Using your critical thinking skills, infer why Saki only gave readers the internal thoughts of only 1 of the two men.
Literary Focus Literary Focus Themes The Pointlessness of Grudges The Unfairness of Life The Cruelty of Nature The Power of Nature The Insignificance of Man
Clue Number 5 5. Using your critical thinking skills, infer why the insignificance of man might be an important theme of this story.
Plot Points Plot Points Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym both roam the snowy forests with the same bloody purpose: to kill the other man Despite having other men with them, they meet each in the forest—alone Both men’s intentions are clear, but nature has other ideas Plot Points
Clue Number 6 6. Using your critical thinking skills, infer why other men being in the forest may play a crucial role by the conclusion of the story.