The Funding and Opportunity Map – how can learned society membership help? Stuart Govan RSC Programme Manager, International Engagement Translating Clean Energy Research to Rural India September 2017
Royal Society of Chemistry The world’s leading chemistry community for advancing excellence in the chemical sciences Founded in 1841 Worldwide network of ~54,000 members but a global network of 350,000 chemical scientists
Our activities
The RSC in India Office since 2014 5 local sections c. 70 Indian academics on journal boards c. 700 members
RSC in India: Publishing 25 Indian journal Associated Editors and Editorial Board members 44 Indian journal Advisory Board members 3000 Indian journal authors and referees
Chemical science publishing in India – journal articles by publisher 2012-2016 India is second highest contributor to RSC journals
RSC in India: membership, events and partnerships Local section activity c. 35 chemistry camps across c. 20 villages in rural India Conferences and symposia Faraday Discussion, ISACS symposium and many many more ( Strategic academia-industry partnerships e.g. CSIR
Benefits of RSC membership Community and networks (interest groups, divisions, committees) Knowledge and research (journals and databases) Careers advice and continuing professional development (mentoring, resources) Event and publication discounts Visibility and prestige Funding
RSC in India: Funding
Match-funding of Researcher Links workshops under the Newton Fund – 6 in 2016 Clean Water through Advanced and Affordable Materials (Plymouth and Chennai) Tackling the Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance: Increasing Awareness and Facilitating Research Networks (Cambridge and Chandigarh) Rational Designing of Catalysts for the Sustainable Production of Fuels and Chemicals (Cardiff and Madras) Urban Air Pollution in Indian and UK Cities: Characterization and Prediction of Chemically Reactive Air Pollutants (Birmingham and Delhi) Nano Bio-Materials for Water Purification (Bangor and Kerala) Advanced Nano-Materials for Energy, Health and Sustainability (Nottingham and Mandi)
Newton Fund – plans going forward Support researchers in forming collaborations and obtaining funding Publish and promote journal research resulting from RSC match-funded workshops Continue to support more workshops - the RSC will support 9 in 2017, including two this week Translating Clean Energy Research to Rural India (Pune) and Closed Loop Green Technologies for Rural Communities (Delhi)
Other sources of RSC funding
Other sources of RSC funding
Other sources of RSC funding
Researcher Mobility Grants Up to £5000 to travel to or from the UK for research visit of up to three months Multiple visits over several years possible Academia-academia or academia-industry possible Covers travel, subsistence and bench fees Applicants must be Associate Members of the RSC or above (you are eligible if your membership application has been submitted) Chemistry or closely related disciplines with strong chemistry component
Making the most of your membership – an example Early Career Researcher RSC member RSC author and reviewer Newton Fund workshop participant RSC researcher mobility grant RSC bursary to attend IUPAC Congress in Brazil as an IUPAC Young Observer Engage Network Be pro-active Be enthusiastic Have a plan, but be flexible too – plan for unplanned opportunities!
Useful information and survey Stuart Govan Rajesh Parishwad Please take a moment to complete our survey at