Урок английского языка 5 класс УМК «Spotlight» MODEL 7 «Seasons and weather» Урок английского языка 5 класс УМК «Spotlight» MODEL 7 Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 97 ОВЧАРОВА ОЛЬГА НИКОЛАЕВНА Воронеж,2016
«Year after year »
What do you think our lesson is about? It is about … I think we are going to learn about …
Seasons and monthsЫSs SPRING March April May SUMMER June July August WINTER December January February AUTUMN September October November
The weather can be: -What is the weather like today in Voronezh? It’s ….. sunny hot rainy snowy cold cloudy windy stormy foggy frosty
Read the proverb and listen to the music. What images come to mind? A wind from the south has rain in its mouth. It is raining cats and dogs- Льёт как из ведра
make up the Weather forecast for the next day Example: The forecast says the weather will be quite… (cold / hot / sunny). The sun is shining /The sky is clear / It is very cloudy. The temperature is… degrees above (below) zero. And it is (isn’t) going to… (rain / snow) hard. The wind is blowing / It isn’t windy. So it sounds like a day to … (stay at home and read / go for a walk). It’s lovely\awful day.
Weather forecast Belfast Wellington Moscow
Our results Now talk about seasons and weather practise grammar try to describe the weather work in group and help the partner
Homework Ю.Е.Ваулина, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Spotlight 5 (Английский в фокусе) SB exercise 8 page 87 Imagine you are in two different countries. Write a chat log telling each other about the weather , then recommend clothes for each season.