IT Infrastructure Line of Business (ITILOB) Chief Architects Forum Briefing for Chief Architects Forum August 25, 2008
ITILOB Vision and Goals VISION: A Government-wide optimized* and cost-effective IT infrastructure enabling core agency missions and government-wide customer-centric services. The long-term goal of the ITILOB is to institutionalize and lead Government-wide IT practices that: Optimize technology infrastructure support for core agency missions and the delivery of government-wide customer-centric services Operate in a manner that is secure, standardized, interoperable, extensible, resilient, adaptive, and cost-effective Encourage collaboration and resource sharing across the Federal government through a coherent technology strategy. Examples of infrastructure optimization: Consolidated National Help Desk State-of-the-art Data Center State-of-the-art Disaster Recovery Services Modernization Lifecycle Modernized mainframes and its operating systems Server virtualization Roadmap toward an open systems environment Desktop/Notebook Technology refresh Replacement of desktops and notebooks on a 48-month refresh cycle Upgrading software to most current industry standards Centralized WAN / LAN administration Robust Security Service Level Agreements *Optimized: For purposes of this initiative means the state of being standardized, interoperable, extensible and cost effective. It does not presuppose the exact method by which this is achieved.
ITI LoB Common Solutions The ITI LoB approach achieves a strong degree of goal clarity and accountability for the results. This allows a department/agency to make reasoned and analytically directed choices among the common solution tools as well as which infrastructure areas to prioritize to achieve the goals established. Agencies determine own optimization strategies – may use: Shared Service Centers, ITI Library, Capability Maturity Model, SmartBuy, Networx, etc ITI LoB will assist agencies to share best practices.
ITILOB Participating Agencies DHS DOC DOD DOE DOeD DOI DOJ DOL DOT EPA GSA HHS HUD NASA OPM NSF SBA SSA State Treasury USAID USDA VA Examples of infrastructure optimization: Consolidated National Help Desk State-of-the-art Data Center State-of-the-art Disaster Recovery Services Modernization Lifecycle Modernized mainframes and its operating systems Server virtualization Roadmap toward an open systems environment Desktop/Notebook Technology refresh Replacement of desktops and notebooks on a 48-month refresh cycle Upgrading software to most current industry standards Centralized WAN / LAN administration Robust Security Service Level Agreements
ITILOB Governance Structure Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Program Management Office (PMO) Agency Advisory Group (AAG) Governance Working Group (GWG) Acquisition Strategy Working Group (ASWG) Technical Working Group (TWG) Change Control Board (CCB) Policy and Strategic Planning 5-Year Planning and Reporting End-User Systems and Support (EUSS) Telecom. Systems and Support (TSS) Mainframes and Servers Systems and Support (MSSS)
3 Areas of IT Infrastructure ITI LoB Scope* 3 Areas of IT Infrastructure End User Systems & Support Desktop Peripherals Laptop Handheld Computing Devices Personnel – end user support Facilities Mainframes/Servers Systems & Support All hardware and software mainframe and mid-range computers (servers) grouped by platform (UNIX, Wintel, LINUX, etc.), including system management and utility software Telecommunications Systems & Support Wide area networks Metropolitan area (and campus area) networks Local area networks Internet access Remote access services Local and long distance calling Videoconferencing The ESC agreed to consolidate the scope of the ITI LoB from 5 areas to 3 areas ITI LoB is a service not just a commodity The scope provides structure for agencies to develop and exercise an optimization strategy. Telecommunications systems and support include TIC and IPv6 **From ITI LoB Common Solutions Recommendation and ITILOB Exhibit 300 Business Case, FY07 & FY08
ITI LoB FY 08 High Level Timeline Nov 07 Dec 07 Jan 08 Feb 08 Mar 08 Apr 08 May 08 Jun 08 Jul 08 Aug 08 Sep 08 Oct 08 MOU Distributed Oct 07 Release MOU Obtain Funding Funding Secured Prepare End User Baseline Develop Telecommunications Metrics & Baseline Final EUSS Report Final Telecommunications Report Develop Mainframes & Servers Metrics & Baseline Final Mainframes & Servers Report Discuss: 5-Year Plan and relationship to other government-wide initiatives (TIC, FDCC, Green IT, IPv6, HSPD-12, FEA, etc) Monitor and Communicate PMO Progress/Status Five-Year Plan Guidance Issued Agency Five-Year Plans Received Agency Five-Year Plans (Update) Agency Annual Performance Report Mar 09 Resource Library Launched Government-wide Infrastructure Optimization Planning Report Website Redesign and Resource Library Update IT Mgmt. Tool Inventory Validation
Cost Savings Opportunities Infrastructure Management Tools - SmartBuy Analysis Coordinating w/SmartBuy & Strategic Sourcing initiatives Identify cost-saving & avoidance SmartBuy vehicles in sourcing of automated IT Infrastructure Management Tools These are common solutions identified in agency 5-year plans DoD, DHS, NASA, SBA,VA are not included because they did not submitdid not submit Total = 1128 * * Does not include DoD, DHS, DOT, NASA, SBA and VA
Cost Saving Opportunities Multiple-Tenancy Building Connectivity Optimization Smart Building Initiative coordination effort: Smart Building Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) & Public Building Service (PBS) Integrate multiple-tenancy building & connectivity optimization Large Multi-Tenant GSA-Owned Buildings (Sample)
ITILOB Status: Ongoing Initiatives The ITILOB traceability matrix that documents the relationship between current activities and the scope defined in the interagency Common Solutions Agreement is now available on SkillSoft provided the AAG a demo of a potential Resource Library service based upon their Books 24x7 product. The offering under discussion would provide access to the following libraries: Analyst Perspectives: contains two types of content: original and exclusive summary reports prepared by Books24x7, and the full-text of premium analyst content licensed from leading analyst firms. Gov Essentials: an extensive, fully searchable Web-based reference tool combining the full text of government-focused books from major publishers with carefully selected public domain content. ITIL v3: The official ITIL series of books, consisting of five core volumes and select complementary guides.
ITILOB Status: Ongoing Initiatives The PMO is finalizing preparations for establishing the initial set of Communities of Practice to focus on: IT Infrastructure Segment Architecture Procurement/Acquisition Strategy (Aggregated Purchasing) Consolidated Planning and Budget Reporting Requirements (Five-year plans, OMB E-300)
Ongoing Initiatives: Agency Five Year Plans Five year plans document convergence of PMA IT initiatives within the Federal infrastructure: - IPv6 - HSPD-12 - FDCC - TIC - Networx - NSC 3-10 - Virtualization - etc. Instructions for the FY08 Q4 update to the five-year plans will be presented at the July ESC meeting. impact Minor template changes anticipated to address: Interagency review feedback. Interrelationships among the three infrastructure areas. Impact of PMA initiatives on Federal Infrastructure optimization planning. Evaluation criteria to be published along with instructions.
Ongoing Initiatives: Infrastructure Segment Architecture On June 4, the PMO met with representatives from the Enterprise Architecture programs from several agencies to: Discuss the role of Infrastructure Segment Architecture in facilitating the transition to Service Oriented Infrastructure. Build consensus on criteria that might be used to identify Enterprise Infrastructure Services. Examples of what agencies have identified as infrastructure services that can be shared across the enterprise include: Common access service (Authentication) Role-based access Content Management & Publishing The group committed to producing a deliverable on the identification of Enterprise Infrastructure Services. A team lead was identified and collaboration is underway. Content Aggregation (Mashups) Security Browser Agnostic Services Collaboration Services (Web 2.0)