IT Service Management – main terms and definitions IT Service Management – main terms and definitions. Introduction into the ITIL® Service Lifecycle methodology. Yavor Ganchev, Sofia 2016
What is on the menu today Prepare to be bored to death! Definition for a Service Customers, Users and Service providers Function, Process and Role IT Service Management The Lifecycle of a Service
What is actually a Service? ITIL defines a Service as "a means of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve without the ownership of specific costs and risks.“…. WTF?! (Want To Fly?!) Service is something that user consumes and does not care how it gets to him, user just cares that he has benefit from the service. Two types of services: Core Services and Enabling Services In other words, when we do something for another party that gives them something they want or value, we’re providing a service. Generally speaking, because our users want the benefits and value of email, storage, wireless networking, etc., but don’t want to take on the burden of managing those items themselves, we provide those things to them as a service. Examples: online banking; internet access; Service cannot be stored. It is consumed in the moment it is produced. Like.. for example you cannot store the restaurant servers work, they serve you at the moment, you cannot take serving to go. We also find it useful to distinguish between client-facing services that allow end users to do their work and internal technical services that enable those services. We use the term Core Service to describe the client-facing services and Enabling Service for the internal, technical services.
Customers, Users and Service providers Customer is a general name for group or people or organization, having benefit of the Service. Customers can be internal or external. The provider is organization that supply service to external or internal customer, thus providers are also internal and external. User is the direct individual consumer of the service.
Function, Process and Role ITIL V3 very clearly delineates how the ITIL processes work within the boundaries and responsibilities of the organizational structure by defining the Functions that perform the activity, the Process that may extend across several Functions to accomplish the objective of the activity, and the Role that an individual within a Function plays when performing a Process. Example: You cannot check the Facebook newsfeed. You call the operators support number. You speak with an agent. They do their checks and say specialist needs to check it. They call you back later and issues is resolved and you can access Facebook, and so on. Service – Internet access via GSM network. Functions: Call Desk and Network Team Roles: Call Desk agent, Junior Network specialist Process: Incident Management Many people, when first exposed to ITIL and its concepts, start thinking about how they might reorganize the IT department around the ITIL processes. Let’s explore the relationship between functions, processes and roles. The term function refers to a group of people often aligned by a particular technical skill or technology, such as system administrators, or Java programmers. These functions or technical functional areas carry out various processes or activities. A process, on the other hand, is a set of structured activities that achieve some specific goal or objective, such as restore a service or find a problem. A process may involve the participation of many functional areas to accomplish its objective. The staff members of the functional areas perform the process by carrying out the responsibilities of various roles assigned to them. Processes, in fact, often cut across many functions, involving many different staff members, each carrying out their roles. So, in order to implement the ITIL processes, it is really not necessary, or desirable for that matter, to try to organize the processes as functions.
IT Service Management Best Practices to meet what users really expect with what the provider is actually offering So … a Service needs to fulfil someone’s needs, either professional or personal. So best practices and ideas how to design and operate a service so it makes sense to a target user and is valuable to them is called ITSM.
The Lifecycle of a Service - We Strategize about what IT Services would support our business - We Design these IT Services in a way that we can explain them to customers (through a catalog) and measure success (through SLA) in terms of things like Availability, Continuity, Capacity, etc. - We Transition these IT services into (and out of) Operation, training people, managing the release and deployment of them, managing changes, etc. - We Manage the Operations of these IT services through processes we’re most familiar with (incident, problem, etc.) - We (hopefully) Continually Improve these IT services