This course provides an introduction to IT infrastructure issues. It covers topics related to both computer systems architecture and communications network, with an over-all focus on the services and capabilities that IT Infrastructure solutions enable in an organizational context The course focuses strongly on internet- based solutions, computer and network security, business continuity, and the role of infrastructure in regulatory compliance.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: Analyze the core principles of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practices for service management; Acquire an understanding the emerging technologies in the fields of IT, telecommunications and networking; Evaluate the services and capabilities that IT infrastructure solutions provide in an organizational context; Communicate effectively with professionals of IT infrastructure technologies and solutions.
Define IT Infrastructure? IT Infrastructure of an organization comprises of equipment, software, hardware, or any other components which are needed to deliver IT services to its customers. IT Infrastructure categories? Purchase software. IT Infrastructure hardware. Software development. IT Services Human resource.
IT Infrastructure Management Advantages Decrease the duplication of effort & increase organizational productivity. Decrease business risk. Ensure the use of standards. Ensure minimum downtime. Improve adaptability. Improve the information flow in IS. Increase business planning. Reduce operational costs. Increase service quality.
ITS Management common tasks IT System management IT systems management helps in designing, implementing and managing IT infrastructures. ITS Management common tasks Maintaining hardware inventories. Server availability monitoring and metrics. Software inventory and installation task. Anti-virus and anti-malware management Users activities monitoring Capacity monitoring Security management Storage management
IT Service management IT Service refers to the delivery of information processing capabilities at an agreed quality level using a combination of software, hardware, people, network.
Minimize (TCO) & improve (ROI) Goals: Customer Centric Availability & Stability of Services. Improves Communication. Efficiency of Internal Processes. Cost of Services.
Information System Design The Basic objective of the information system design is to create customized instance of the IT System architecture from a basic model.
Design Models Three popular and relevant system models: 1- Business process based model. 2- Management activities based model. 3- Hybrid model.
IT Manag. Context diagram can be used to identity the following:
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