Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Outer Structures Bud A bud is an immature flower. The outer part of the bud is called the sepals. Sepals are leaf-like structures that protect the immature flower. Sepals can often be seen at the base of mature flowers.
Outer Structures Petals When you think of a flower what do you think of? Beautiful colors, sweet smells The soft, colorful outer parts of mature flowers are called petals.
Outer Structures Why are flowers colorful and sweet smelling? To attract bees, butterflies, birds, bats, and other pollinators. These animals will carry pollen from one flower to another. The animals are rewarded with a sweet liquid (nectar) produced in the flowers’ nectaries.
Male Structures The male part of a flower is called the stamen. The stamen is made of two parts: the anther and filament. The anther holds pollen. The filament holds up the anther.
Male Structures Pollen Pollen is the male gamete in flowering plants. Unlike sperm, pollen cannot move on its own—it must be carried. It can be carried by an animal or by the wind.
Female Structures The female parts of a flower are called the pistil or carpel. The pistil(s) can usually be found at the center of the flower. A pistil is made of three parts: the stigma, style, and ovary.
Female Structures Stigma The stigma’s job is to catch pollen. The flower tries to make the stigma the first thing any pollinator touches. Some flowers have more than one stigma on a pistil.
Female Structures Style The style holds up the stigma and connects it to the ovary. Pollen that sticks to the stigma grows down through the style to reach the ovary.
Female Structures Ovary At the bottom of the style are the ovaries. Just like in animals, ovaries make female gametes. In plants the female gamete is called an ovule. Once the flower has been pollinated, the ovary develops into a fruit.