Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Lesson PLan DAY 2 POLLINATION TYPES OF POLLINATION CARRIERS OF POLLINATION Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Lesson PLan PARTS OF FLOWER : Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Lesson PLan POLLINATION Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
M/the action or process of copying something.. Lesson PLan Reproduction P/ Re-product-ion M/the action or process of copying something.. Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
M/all round a particular place or thing.. Lesson PLan Surrounding P/Sur-round-ing M/all round a particular place or thing.. Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Lesson PLan Surrounding A/ It's the being surrounded on all sides that gets to us non-humanities people.. Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan What is pollination : Migration of pollen from androecium to gynoecium is called pollination. Reproduction in plants is due to pollination. S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan How does pollination take place? Pollen grains brush against the insect, it flies to another plant, the grains rub on the stigma. The grain of pollen grows a tube, which goes down the style until it reaches the ovary S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
How does pollination take place? Lesson PLan How does pollination take place? The male part joins with the female part to form a seed. This is called fertilisatio. After fertilisation the petal drop off because they are no longer needed Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Types of pollination Self pollination Lesson PLan Types of pollination Self pollination Pollen from the anther is transferred to the stigma Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Lesson PLan Types of pollination Cross pollination Pollen from the anther of one plant is transferred to the the stigma of a different plant Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Carriers of pollination Lesson PLan Carriers of pollination Some flowers, such as grasses, do not have brightly coloured petals and nectar to attract insects. They do have stamens and carpels. These flowers are pollinated by the wind Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
Carriers of pollination Lesson PLan Carriers of pollination Std 8 sub science ch 2 flowers and fruits day 2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Carriers of pollination Some seeds are hidden in the ground as a winter store. Some fruits have hooks on them and cling to fur or clothes. Birds and animals eat the fruits and excrete the seeds away from the parent plant. S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Carriers of pollination S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Seed dispersal Seeds are dispersed in many different ways: Wind Explosion Water Animals Birds Scatter S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Pollination P/Po-lli-na-tion M/ is the process by which pollen is transferred from the anther (male part) to the stigma (female part) of the Plant. . Gajwani Schools and Colleges S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Pollination A/ There are dozens of species of native bees equally willing to pollinate your plants. Gajwani Schools and Colleges S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Carrier P/car-ri-er M/ a person or thing that carries, holds, or conveys something.. S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan Carrier A/ One was about a half mile off the port side of the aircraft carrier and was really loud and shook the whole ship.. S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan QUESTION 1 Explain what happen if pollination does not occur in flowers? Ans..If pollination does not occur reproduction would not be possible in flowers. S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan QUESTION 2 Explain how pollination takes place if pollinators are not there? Ans.. Pollination take place by wind and water. S8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges Gajwani Schools and Colleges
aS8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Lesson PLan TOMORROW Read the next few pages of in the chapter Be ready to discuss the Fertilisation END OF TODAY’S WORK Gajwani Schools and Colleges aS8S1SCCH2-Flowers and fruits-Day2 Gajwani Schools and Colleges