Commonly Missed Questions on the Practice EOC Exam
Also please review the following slides Please make sure you know the following terms and could give an example of them in action if you were presented with a list of options of them functioning in the real world. Writ of habeas corpus Eminent Domain the Mayflower Compact Social Contract Natural Rights Federalism Popular Sovereignty Separation of Powers Checks and Balances precedent Judicial Review The Major law cases from the last study guide Also please review the following slides
Which of these is an example of popular sovereignty? A Federal courts overrule laws passed by Congress. B Some states decided to prohibit slavery by a vote of residents. C Political parties choose presidential candidates at national conventions. D Former colonial governments declared independence from British control. This is a horrible question, it makes sense that many of you got this wrong, I believe there are legitimately two answers. Here is the definition of pop sov from the dictionary- 1 : a doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people 2 : a pre-Civil War doctrine asserting the right of the people living in a newly organized territory to decide by vote of their territorial legislature whether or not slavery would be permitted there So, I believe both B and C would be correct.
Congress is prohibited from establishing an official religion by the A First Amendment B Second Amendment C Fourth Amendment D Fifth Amendment The Answer is “A,” don’t out smart yourself, which amendment mentions religion??? Five Freedoms in Amendment 1- speech, religion, press, assembly, petition
The expansion of suffrage in the United States best illustrates society’s changing views of A CIVIL RIGHTS B LIMITED GOVERNMENT C POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY D DUE PROCESS OF LAW What word do we need to know to answer this question???????.......... Suffrage. The Right to vote for women. I think that the right to vote is a civil right, i.e. the 13th-15th amendments were a struggle to let minority men vote. However, many of you put the answer “c” down- and I think that was a really good option. I don’t like this question because option “c” is so good. But IF “A” is an option and “C” is an option and only one can answer the question, then which one best answers the question? I think it is option “A”. If you put C and got it wrong, there is no shame- great job!
Enlightenment-era political philosophers such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu A rejected governmental policies that allowed the expansion of property rights B adhered to traditional social customs in the creation of governmental offices C emphasized governmental structures based on reason and social progress D pursued strict obedience to religious scripture in governmental affairs The answer is “C”. Do you remember the lecture over the Scientific Revolution helping to cause the Enlightenment? B and D should have been easy eliminations, A was the second best option (but too narrow of an answer to include the entire list of thinkers above).
Which of these circumstances illustrates a danger of majority rule? A A law is ruled unconstitutional by a judge. B A law is used to oppress a group of people. C A petition is signed by many people. D A prisoner is wrongly let out of prison. This question is really about the Federalist Paper #10 by James Madison who warns that majority rule could be a threat to minority opinion (political dissent/free speech), thus leading to an overly authoritarian government. The correct answer is “B”. The rest of the answer options deal with judicial review, right to petition (which safeguards minority opinion), and the rights of the convicted.
Which headline best illustrates an example of checks and balances? A “President to Seek Second Term” B “House Passes Tax Legislation” C “Senate Confirms New Chief Justice” D “Supreme Court Rejects Case” What is a check and balance asks the question- well let’s see A- limited government, okay… contained presidential power perhaps B- Leg Branch just doing its job C- Senate check and balancing the executive branch D SC just doing it’s thing A is a nice answer C is the best answer B and D should have been easy to eliminate.
Which interest group would most likely oppose eliminating the social security system? A National Rifle Association (NRA) B American Federation of Labor (AFL) C Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) D American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) What do we need to know to answer this question? What is social security?!!- financial aid from the government (transfer payment –you pay in when you are young and receive when you retire) Who would not want to get rid of benefits for older people? -the AARP
Chris challenged the law in his home state that allowed the chief of police to identify him as “a dangerous driver” based on observation. This classification denied him the right to renew his driver’s license. Chris successfully argued that he was entitled to a hearing before the state could post his name on the dangerous driver list. Which constitutional principle does the scenario represent? A judicial review B popular sovereignty C due process of law D checks and balances What theme does this scenario represent? Let’s match the scenario with each term provided. Based on observations (no other trial or test) he is put on a list that revokes his license. JUD REV- does the scenario deal with the courts? NO POP SOV- does the scenario question voting or the right of the police to enforce laws? NO- it doesn’t question the police’s ability to enforce laws only the way they are enforcing laws DUE PROCESS- is their a procedural issue here? Did Chris get convicted or punished without a trial? YES CHECKS AND BALANCES- is their a conflict between separate branches of gov? NO