RBM Configuration and Public Interfaces
External Interface RBM was designed to be the best of breed convergent rating and billing system. Enhanced Care APIs (ECAs) are Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) that enable RBM to integrate with other packages with a range of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) www.prolearninghub.com
API Customer Account Maintenance Rating and Billing Configuration Product Configuration Account Receivables System Monitor Rating Catalogue Maintenance Batch Payment Transfer Rejected Event Maintenance Billing Catalogue Maintenance Configuration Data Transfer Products and Pricing Edits Transfer Configuration GUI Transaction GUI Configuration GUI Stored Procedures Third party External Systems (CRM, eBPP, MDM etc) Public Views API RB Database Enchanced care APIs Active Rating Engine Convergent Billing Engine Bill Formatting Accruals Extract Generator Mandate Instructions Age of Receivables and Collections Third Party Rating Event Loading External Formatter Archive and Delete Interface to Financial Systems Reports www.prolearninghub.com
Core Elements of RBM 5.0 Allows billing of any combination of different products and services, even though the are not related. Single/consolidated bill for products and services. Accounting and invoicing system. Supports advanced and sophisticated marketing strategies for selling a range of products and services. Remember: RBM 5.0 is NOT a complete customer care, provisioning, mediation, or finance system. ! www.prolearninghub.com
The Configuration Approach Customer Account Maintenance Create Customer and Associate Plans Creation and maintenance of Customer -> Accounts -> Products, Maintenance of life cycle of Customer, Account, Product, Account’s collections record, Manage deposit balances and requests Rating Catalog Maintenance Create Rating Tariffs Configuration of Rate plan types, Cost band, Time rate, Event class with predicates, Charge segments, Costing rules, Rate plans, Automatic rate plan, Proxy rate plan, Ghost event types, Rating charges, Rating groups Billing Catalog Maintenance Create Price Plans and Discounts Configuration of Non-usage charges- one time, Recurring charges, Filters, Discounts, Bonus points, Loyalty points, Package, Age dependent price Product Configuration Create Products Configuration of Product family, Products (parent, child), Subscription, Peer product, Peer grouping products, One time charges, Product attributes Rating and Billing Configuration Create Baseline Configuration Configuration of Bill formatters, Financial entities, File groups, File types, ICO, Tax, Event definition, Customer attributes, Receivables, Predicates, Profile types, Action types, Plug-ins and Derived attributes, Rating groups, Rating charges www.prolearninghub.com
Main Functionalities and Client Modules Main functionalities of RBM are: Identify usage charges of an event Online and offline rating Apply rating time discounts Apply fixed charges, one time charges, suspension/termination charges, billing time discounts, and taxed Batch/on-demand billing Bill formatting Manage customer debts Follow-ups with the customer in case of debt issues Rating Billing Debtage www.prolearninghub.com
Main Functionalities and Client Modules Managing customer payments against billing Manage collections Manage product life cycle Manage billing catalogs and Price Plans Manage rating catalogs and Rate Plans Configuration of system parameters in database Configuration in baseline Configuration of taxes, payment methods, currencies, and customer types Configuration of rating groups, predicates, and so on Collections Product/Rating/Billing Catalogs Rating and Billing Configuration www.prolearninghub.com
Main Functionalities and Client Modules RBM Client Modules www.prolearninghub.com
Knowledge Check Start www.prolearninghub.com
Identify the usage charges of an event __________ Rating Debtage Product/Rating/Billing Catalogs Collections www.prolearninghub.com
Manage customer payments __________ Rating Debtage Product/Rating/Billing Catalogs Collections www.prolearninghub.com
Manage customer debt/follow-ups __________ Rating Debtage Product/Rating/Billing Catalogs Collections www.prolearninghub.com
Configure product, rate plans __________ Rating Debtage Product/Rating/Billing Catalogs Collections www.prolearninghub.com
The Results www.prolearninghub.com