“Factory Belt,” now “Rust Belt”
The Second Industrial Revolution (1870 – 1914) An era of unprecedented economic growth in the U.S. By 1900, the U.S. becomes the world’s largest economy, producing 35% of the world’s manufactured goods. How does this happen? [1] Natural Resources [2] Population Growth 1860 – 1910, the U.S. population tripled. What fueled this population growth? Larger families … Immigration … Larger population helps business in two ways …
The Second Industrial Revolution (1870 – 1914) How does this happen? [3] Urbanization - Population growth occurs in cities 90% of industrialization occurred in cities. More than 90% of immigrants settled in cities.
The Second Industrial Revolution (1870 – 1914) 1867 - The "Refrigerator Car" 1869 - American Football 1869 - Clothes Hanger 1870 - Can Opener 1870 - Feather Duster 1873 - JEANS! 1874 - Automated Fire Sprinkler 1874 - The SPORK! 1874 - Electric Dental Drill 1875 - The Airbrush 1877 - The Phonograph 1882 - Thermostat 1884 - The Machine Gun 1896 - The Tattoo Machine How does this happen? [4] An Age of Inventions Strong patent laws … In the years following the Civil War … In the forty years following the war, there would be more than 400,000 patents granted in America alone!
Age of Steel Bessemer Process … Railroads Farm Equipment Skyscrapers Suspension Bridges
Urbanization 1 Jan 1883 - The Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, linking Manhattan to Brooklyn 1 Jan 1885 – Chicago’s Home Insurance Building, called a “skyscraper,” because its top seemed to touch the sky 1 Jan 1887 – First electric street car, Richmond, VA. 1890 – 1 in 3 American live in cities
Age of Electricity Assembly Lines Factory Lighting Electric street cars Soon, other advances because of electricity
Benefits from Electricity The average work week declines: 69.7 hours per week in 1860 (includes farming) 61.7 hours in 1890 54.9 hours in 1910 By 1910, less pollution and safer working / living conditions More consistent form of energy & lighting Eventually, more recreation & longer days of activity!!
“Factory Belt,” now “Rust Belt” “Industrial Triangle”