Why are Starbucks so successful?
What do they do well?
HOW DO THEY DO IT? What do they think makes a successful business? Making money Keeping the customer happy Good quality product Being recognised HOW DO THEY DO IT?
Lean Manufacturing is about creating the ultimate factory.
The ultimate factory should… What should the ultimate factory look like? The ultimate factory should…
5 volunteers! Scenario 1: Fold the paper Stuff the envelope Seal the envelope Stick on the stamp Store them neatly in the box. Each worker must complete their tasks in full before the next starts. 5 volunteers!
5 volunteers! Scenario 2: Fold the paper Stuff the envelope Seal the envelope Stick on the stamp Store them neatly in the box. Each worker completes 1 task then passes to the next. 5 volunteers!
Scenario 2: Scenario 2 is faster! It is lean manufacturing. It is called Just In Time What are the benefits of JIT? …. …
Less area to walk around What else is Lean? Less area to walk around
No time wasted finding tools. What else is Lean? No time wasted finding tools.
Easy to read ways of tracking jobs. What else is Lean? Easy to read ways of tracking jobs.
Quick ways to quality check work. What else is Lean? Quick ways to quality check work.
Clear description of who should be doing what. What else is Lean? Clear description of who should be doing what.
? So, watch this video and answer the question…. What is Lean Manufacturing? ?
Let’s see how its done for real…
How does a company get Lean? Method 1: JUST IN TIME Method 2: KAIZEN Method 3: POKA - YOKE
Method 1: JUST IN TIME The production process is organised in a way that makes sure: Parts are available when you need them. Equipment is available when you need it. Workers only move when they need to. Products are build to customer demand. There is no stock waiting to be sold. Production time is the least time possible. Automation is used to speed up manufacturing.
Method 2: KAIZEN
Method 2: KAIZEN
Method 2: KAIZEN
Method 2: KAIZEN Created in 1930 by Sakichi Toyoda.
Method 2: KAIZEN Created in 1930 by Sakichi Toyoda.
Method 2: KAIZEN Created in 1930 by Sakichi Toyoda. He created a method of improving the factory by constantly introducing small changes that improved quality and efficiency. Kaizen is special because it lets decisions be made by the workers. Why is that a good way to improve?
Method 2: KAIZEN Improvements are small changes. The workers have the ideas so they should be easier to make happen in the factory. Small changes don’t cost a lot of money. It is a cheaper way to improve your factory. Using the workers encourages them to take more ownership in their work – this improves MOTIVATION!
Method 3: POKA - YOKE This method tries to remove HUMAN ERROR!
Method 3: POKA - YOKE This is a good example of Poka-Yoke.
Method 3: POKA - YOKE Poka-Yoke aims to mistake proof the factory. It looks at simple process in the factory and comes up with ways of stopping them from going wrong. Improves quality by removing errors. Speeds up production by having a higher quality of product. (less mistakes!) Increases safety. Less injuries through mistakes. Reduces costs by improving efficiency and the skill needed by the workers.