Little Red Hood Three Little Pigs Harry Potter The Hunger Games Beauty and The Beast
favourite story your What’s ? What’s your favourite story? Who’s the story about? story about the Who’s ? Where’s the story set? set Where’s the story ? When does the story happen? story does happen When ? the Why do you like it? like you do Why ? it
A love letter A family To drink To fight To get married Poison
7 1 2 6 3 5 8 9 4 Romeo thinks Juliet is dead and drinks poison. Romeo’s and Juliet’s families are always fighting. 2 6 Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and fall in love. Juliet makes a plan to stay with Romeo. 3 5 Romeo and Juliet decide to marry in secret. The prince of Verona sends Romeo away. 8 9 4 Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, and Romeo fight. Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and kills herself with a knife. Romeo’s and Juliet’s families agree not to fight anymore.
Romeo’s and Juliet’s families are always fighting. Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and fall in love. Romeo and Juliet decide to marry in secret. Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, and Romeo fight. The prince of Verona sends Romeo away. Juliet makes a plan to stay with Romeo. Romeo thinks Juliet is dead and drinks poison. Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and kills herself with a knife. Romeo’s and Juliet’s families agree not to fight anymore. 10. Cover page.
NOTES Slide 2: Refer sts to the pictures on the board and elicit what they have in common. After eliciting the name of the stories, have sts discuss in pairs if they like them or not. Elicit a few contributions at the end. Slide 3: Tell sts they are going to see questions related to stories. In pairs, have them put the words in order. Drill questions. After that, have them ask and answer about their favourite stories. Elicit a few contributions at the end. Slide 4 - 6: Elicit from the WG what the pictures represent. After that, elicit the story they refer to and its author. Ask sts what else they know about the story and elicit some information about Shakespeare. Slide 7: Show st the video pausing after some main events and elicit what they understand from it. Focus on the families’ names (Capulets and Montagues). Exploit the video to make sure sts grasp its main idea.
Slide 8: Refer sts to the main sections of the story Slide 8: Refer sts to the main sections of the story. In groups of 3, have sts put the story in order. Slide 9: This is the final task. Divide sts in groups of 5. Assign two numbers for each st. Have them draw each section in order to create a picture book for the group. If time allows, tell them to show their book to the other groups. ACTIVITY