EarthresourceML version 2


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Presentation transcript:

EarthresourceML version 2 EarthresourceML version 2.0 and Lite – demonstration how to deliver Mineral resource data – Australia – EU - Finland Jouni Vuollo CGI EarthresourceML Standards Working Group

OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Background of development Previous development – GGIC and IUGS/CGI INSPIRE data specification influence - EU EarthResourceML versions IUGS/CGI and EU INSPIRE EarthResourceML Full model/INSPIRE model EarthResourceML Lite – released August 2016 Code lists for EarthResourceML and Lite How to deliver Mineral Resource Data now and in the future – by using standards – ERML and Lite Data delivery - examples

Background of development Extension of GeoSciML Covering mineral occurrences, mines, mining activities, commodities, mining waste Developed by Australian geological survey organisations Started 2006 Australian Design Task Group Governance now with the CGI-IUGS Earth ResourceML Interoperability Working Group established – 2010 September

Background of development The name of the model changes to EarthResourceML 2009 and the version 1.1 was released. The second and current EarthResourceML version 2.0 was released in October 2013. In particular, important communities such as INSPIRE and Minerals4EU project provided valuable feedback to develop EarthResourceML 2.0 model

Background of development Now EarthResourceML 2.0 is the preferred standard for mineral resource data sharing initiatives and projects, such as European Union’s INSPIRE directive, EURare, Minerals4EU, and ProSUM projects, the Australian AuScope, and Geoscience Portal projects. After 2015 small modifications, the full INSPIRE Mineral Resource model and CGI EarthResourceML models are identical.

EarthResourceML versions IUGS/CGI and EU INSPIRE EarthResourceML Lite – released August 2016 AUSGIN will implement in the near future EarthResourceML v. 2.0 and INSPIRE model After 2015 small modifications, the full INSPIRE Mineral Resource model and CGI EarthResourceML models are identical. Minerals4EU started to implement – see later

EarthResourceML - Lite EarthResource Lite version was accepted August 2016 and released August 2016 and included to IGC35th presentation. EarthResourceML Lite delivers a simplified flat view of key elements of the full EarthResourceML data model. It can be used to standardise delivery of mineral resource data via Web Map Services (WMS) and simple features Web Feature Services (WFS SF0) Documentation

EarthResourceML - Lite

EarthResourceML v. 2. 0 and INSPIRE MR model The model have two part Earth Resource Mining Feature Model documentation ERML web page INSPIRE web page

EarthResourceML version 2.0: Earth Resource: natural material of potential economic value Mining Feature: working on the Earth Resource Earth Resource: Mineral Occurrence Commodity and Commodity Measure Ore Measure Mineral deposit model Exploration Activity Earth Resource Material Supergene processes (ex. alteration) Mineral system Mining Feature: Mine Mining Activity Mined material Products Mining waste

EarthResourceML v. 2. 0 versus INSPIRE MR model Mine begin LifespanVersion Mine end LifespanVersion EarthResource begin LifespanVersion EarthResource end LifespanVersion

Code lists for EarthResourceML and Lite Nineteen vocabularies required for the EarthResourceML have been collated, debated, reviewed and adopted (2014-2016). Service - >

Code lists for EarthResourceML and Lite

Data delivery – examples - AUSGIN – data model and service Web service based on OGC implementing rules for service and data Current version Based on EarthResourceML v. 1.0 and MineralOccurenceML data models

Data delivery – examples - AUSGIN The snapshot (2.8.2016) of AUSGIN Geoscience portal - mines -

Minerals4EU – data model and service Web service based on OGC/INSPIRE implementing rules for service and data A system fully INSPIRE compliant Based on INSPIRE v. 3 and EarthResourceML v. 2.0 data models Picture of Minerals4EU data model

Data delivery – examples – Minerals4EU The snapshot (2.8.2016) of Minerals4EU portal – mines and mineral occurrences from 17 countries -

GTK – data model and service Data model and vocabularies Based on EarthResourceML v. 2.0/INSPIRE v. 3 and data models and CGI Geoscience WG vocabularies Web service GTK web service – following OGC/INSPIRE implementing rules Picture of GTK mineral occurrence and mine data model

Data delivery – examples – Finland The snapshot (12.8.2016) of GTK Mineral Deposit and Exlporation portal – mines and mineral occurrences and exploration data -

INFO ABOUT ERML SWG WORK – see pages Full documentation of the work and products of the EarthResourceML Standards Working Group can be found at: • (public website with schemas and data models) • (public wiki with minutes and actions of meetings), and • (Subversion working document repository)