Los Angeles Unified School District Vision Promoting meaningful opportunities for students in foster care to achieve and maintain educational stability and academic success. Foster Youth Achievement Program Consent for Services and Release / Exchange of Information Francisco Vasquez, LCSW Lead Counselor Los Angeles Unified School District
Groups and Individual Counseling Providing groups and individual counseling for our Foster Youth is a great way to provide targeted and intensive support. We will be discussing the following: Consent Matrix for Foster Youth Documents Authorization / Permission from school site Other Recommendations for providing group and individual counseling services
Consent Matrix for Serving Foster Youth 18 or Older Who can consent for students 18 years of age and older? If the student is 18 years or older, student can consent and sign all documentation for all services (educational, mental health, or other services) .
Consent for Students Under 18 Mental Health Counseling: Biological Parent DCFS Social Worker, if court has authorized social worker to consent to treatment after finding parent is unavailable or unable to make treatment decisions Student 12 and older that provider deems “mature enough” to participate. You must consult with your FYAP Lead Counselor and or Specialist prior to providing services under this criteria.
Consent for Students Under 18 Psychotropic Medications: Court must approve medication requests submitted by treating doctor Routine Medical/Dental Care (check-ups, immunizations, etc.): Foster Parent (if living in foster care) Biological Parent (if living at home) Group Home (if living in residential placement)
Consent for Students Under 18 Field Trips, Sports, Extracurricular Activities: Foster Parent (if living in foster care) Biological Parent (if living at home) Group Home (if living in residential placement)
Consent for Students Under 18 Media Release (permission to film or photograph) Court approval required (foster youth status is considered confidential) Out of Country Travel Must obtain court approval (CSW recommendation required)
Individual and Group Counseling Documentation Consent for Counseling (required) Release / Exchange of Information Group Counseling Curriculum (optional) Letter to Caregiver Regarding Group (suggested)
Consent for Counseling Please make sure document is completely filled out and signed by authorized individual prior to beginning individual or group counseling.
Release/ Exchange of Information Document is utilized to have contact with outside agencies that work with students (Foster Family Agencies, Mental Health Agencies, Psychiatrist, …) Make sure to have the release signed before sharing information with outside individuals/agencies
Foster Youth and Release of Information Mental health care is confidential and cannot be disclosed unless: The disclosure is to the DCFS Social Worker for purposes of coordinating a foster youth’s care and treatment. The Social Worker can re-disclose the information to other persons / agencies for the same purpose The individual who consented for care signs the release
Foster Youth and Release of Information If the court authorizes the DCFS Social Worker to make decisions about mental health care, then the CLC attorney would decide whether to sign the release on behalf of the child Youth 12 and older who consented to their own care can sign release of information about care The ERH does not have legal authority to disclose confidential mental health information. The caregiver does not have this authority unless they are a legal guardian or in the process of adopting the child.
Parent Authorization for Release/ Exchange of Information Place outside agency information here Place your information here
Group Counseling Planning Sheet The planning sheet will help you get organized in terms of topics and materials that are needed on a weekly basis. This document can provide insight to schools and caregivers regarding topics you will be discussing by week.
Group Counseling Planning Sheet A copy of the Group Counseling Planning Sheet will be available on the FYAP website
Communication to Caregivers If providing individual or group counseling please be sure to make phone contact with authorized individual Provide a letter indicating purpose, time and dates of group Please be aware you may be asked how the student is doing in group or individual counseling by authorized individual
Permission from School Site for Group If providing group counseling be sure to get permission either from Principal or Assistant Principal at school site Provide principal with copy of letter that will be mailed out to caregivers You can provide copy of curriculum that will be used
Other Recommendations Consider collaboration with other school staff (PSA, Counselor, School Psychologist) to co-facilitate group Consider mixed groups (FYAP and non-FYAP students) Run groups at lunch in order to minimize use of instructional time
Thank you for all you do for our students!