Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2017 Reporting INTERIM AND FINAL REPORTS Training on Project Management and Implementation for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners TC Programme MD-UA Tatiana Udrea, EaPTC MA, GIZ Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2017
REPORTING: Legal basis. Types of reports with payment request Contract provisions - reporting obligations Content & Supporting documents Submission of interim and final reports
1. LEGAL BASIS: Grant contract – Special conditions (art.4 and 7.1.3 ) Annex II General conditions (art. 2) Annex X – Partnership ageement (art. 6.4) TYPES OF REPORTS with payment request Interim report – accompanying each interim payment request (if Option 2) Final report - with the final payment request, within 2 months after the implementation period ends
2. Contract provisions - reporting obligations
Grant contract – Special conditions Special Conditions, art. 4.2 Interim reports should cover 6 months period (for projects under the Option 2 of payment). Interim reports (Annex VI) shall be submitted in support of payment requests. Final financial and final narrative reports (Annex VI) shall be submitted in support of balance payment.
Interim and final reports (Annex VI) shall be drafted in English. Special Conditions, art. 7.1.3 Interim and final reports (Annex VI) shall be drafted in English. Interim report shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the above period has elapsed (Option 2 for payment). Final report (Annex VI) shall be submitted no later than 2 months after the implementation period of the action has elapsed. In case the deadlines for interim and final reports overlap each other only the final report shall be submitted. All supporting documents shall be submitted to the Contracting Authority as photocopy (electronic copy) in the national language and in English translation.
Annex II General conditions General Conditions, art. 2.1 These reports shall: consist of a narrative and a financial report drafted using the templates provided in Annex VI provide a full account of all aspects of the Action's implementation for the period covered be drafted in the currency and language of this Contract; include any update on the Communication plan as provided by Article 6.2
cover any period not covered by the previous reports General Conditions, art. 2.2 Final report shall: cover any period not covered by the previous reports include the proofs of the transfers of ownership as referred to in Article 7.5.
The Special Conditions may set out additional reporting requirements. General Conditions, art. 2.3 The Special Conditions may set out additional reporting requirements. General Conditions, art. 2.4 The Contracting Authority may request additional information at any time. The Coordinator shall provide this information within 30 days of the request, in the language of the Contract.
General Conditions, art. 2.4 If the Coordinator fails to provide any report or fails to provide any additional information requested by the Contracting Authority within the set deadline without an acceptable and written explanation of the reasons, the Contracting Authority may terminate this Contract according to Article 12.2 (a) and (f).
Annex IX – Partnership agreement (art. 6) The Partner shall provide the Lead Partner with the following reports : Interim/Final reports 20 days after the reporting period has elapsed; Final financial reports 30 days after the reporting period has elapsed; The project partner shall keep all records, accounting and supporting documents related to this Contract for the time period as defined under General Conditions the Annex II, clause 16.7.
3. Content & Supporting documents
Narrative report Content: 1. Description 2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities 3. Beneficiaries/affiliated entities and other Cooperation 4. Visibility
INTERIM/ FINAL REPORTS – TECHNICAL SECTION Standard template (Annex VI) Report stamped and signed by the legal representative ; Supporting documents justifying technical implementation RECOMMENDATIONS: Check the reporting period to be appropriate. Use the standard template. Do not make unauthorized changes to the grant contract. If so, for sure you will be requested to revise and re-submit your report ! Organize the documents distinctly per group of activities/activity Check documents to be submitted in national language with an English translation (electronic version)
Standard template (Annex VI) Consolidated payment request INTERIM/ FINAL REPORT FINANCIAL SECTION Standard template (Annex VI) Consolidated payment request Consolidated expenditure verifications report signed by national controller/auditor Individual payment requests Individual expenditure verification reports for each partner signed by the national controller/auditor Supporting documents justifying financial implementation
Recommendations for the financial section !! Use the standard template. Check it to be fully filled in. Check the reporting period to be appropriate. Do not make unauthorized changes to the budget. Organize supporting documents per budget headings and sub-headings, considering the project as a whole, no matter which partner has made a certain expenditure. Check accounts indicated in the requests for payment (individual, per partner, or consolidated, per project) to be the same as those indicated in the Financial Identification Forms. Do not attach supporting documents which were already attached to the technical section !!
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO JUSTIFY THE PROJECT PROGRESS (examples) Human resources: Timesheets Project management: agenda and minutes of the project meetings correspondence action plans minutes of the meetings
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO JUSTIFY THE PROJECT PROGRESS (examples) Training activities: curricula training materials agenda attendance lists evaluation questionnaires diplomas / certificates granted relevant photos Counseling activities: questionnaires assistance forms
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO JUSTIFY THE PROJECT PROGRESS (examples) – (4) Promotion or information materials: promotion / information material Events (e.g. conferences) agenda invitations attendance lists photos press releases, press articles Research studies: the material
4. Submission of interim and final reports
LSP project management, structure and organization Where to submit the Interim/Final report? At the Management Authority attention/Technical Secretariat (Chisinau) How to submit the report? By hand delivery, postal or courier services. Along with an official letter from the beneficiary about the submission of the report. Supporting documents in electronic copy.
ACTIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES (1) EXIT DOCUMENTS RESPONSIBILITY 1) Preparation of the individual report showing the part of Action implemented narrative and financial Interim/ Final individual report- Annex VI Lead partner & partners 2) Requesting verification of expenditures from the auditor 3) Presenting conclusions on the verification of expenditures Report on factual findings (Annex VII ) Auditor(s) 4) Submitting individual report and payment request to the Lead Partner - Interim/ Final individual report (narrative and financial) - Report on factual findings - Individual payment request - Supporting documents Partners 5) Compiling the consolidated Interim/ Final report - Interim/ Final consolidated financial and narrative report - Interim/ Final consolidated payment request Lead partner
ACTIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES (2) EXIT DOCUMENTS RESPONSIBILITY 6) Compiling the Consolidated report of factual findings Annex VII to the contract Lead partner’ 7) Organizing the Interim/ Final report Interim/ Final report with: technical section, financial section, the payment request dossier Lead partner 8) Submitting the Interim/ Final report to the MA Interim/Final report 9) Verifying the report, asking clarifications/supplementary information, if the case Letter to request clarifications/supplementary information MA 10) Answer to the request of clarifications Written answer within the deadline indicated (usually, max. 10 working days) Lead partner (partners may also be involved) 11) On-site visit On-site visit report JTS/JMA 12) Making an analysis on project implementation (technical and financial) JTS analysis JTS
ACTIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES (3) EXIT DOCUMENTS RESPONSIBILITY 12) Forwarding Interim/ Final report to the GIZ country office MA 13) Verifying the report, asking clarifications/supplementary information, if the case clarifications/supplementary information Country office 14) Answer to request of clarifications Written answer within the deadline indicated TS / Lead partner (partners may also be involved) 15) Authorizing the interim/ final payment Notification informing about the amount authorized for payment 16) Informing about the obligation to transfer funds to his project partners Notification setting a deadline for funds transfer (as provided by the Partnership Agreement) TS 17) Providing proofs showing funds transfer towards project partners Notification to TS and proofs of transfer (in copy) Lead partner
MA/TS GIZ Office FLOW OF REPORTS WITH PAYMENT REQUEST LEAD PARTNER max. 10 working days FLOW OF REPORTS WITH PAYMENT REQUEST DOCUMENT SIGNED BY THE HEAD OF INTERVETION (Leistungsbestatigung) OFFICIAL LETTER MA TEAM LEADER OFFICIAL LETTER BENEFICIARY REPORT OFFICIAL LETTER BENEFICIARY REPORT Partner 1…n MA/TS GIZ Office LEAD PARTNER Request for clarifications Request for clarifications Answer to request for clarifications Answer to request for clarifications
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