Stacen Tyskiewicz CIIMS Chair July 12, 2016 CIIMS Update Stacen Tyskiewicz CIIMS Chair July 12, 2016
Critical Infrastructure & Information Management Subcommittee (CIIMS) EMS Event Analysis Standards Work Group Reports Energy Management Systems Work Group (EMSWG) Data Exchange Work Group (DEWG) Physical Security Work Group (PSWG) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
EMS Event Analysis
WECC EMS Event Analysis So far in 2016, 5 EMS events have been reported: Date Duration (mins) Category Root Cause Feb 10 104 Network Infrastructure A1 – Design/Engineering Feb 29 125 A3 – Individual Human Performance Mar 18 97 EMS Software AX – Other 116 A2 – Equipment/Material Mar 26 220 Facilities Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC EMS Event Analysis Duration of Each EMS Outage Event 2015 2016 <30 minutes not reportable Western Electricity Coordinating Council
NERC Event Analysis
Standards TOP-001-3 TOP-003-3
Standards TOP-003-3 (becomes effective 1/1/2017) Requires each TOP and BA to document and distribute data requests for all data required to perform its monitoring, analyses and assessments; and for each data-owner to satisfy the data request. WECC TOP-003 Task Force The TOP-003 Task Force is proposing a common approach for all WECC entities to take in achieving and maintaining compliance with this new standard. Essentially, Peak RC will provide a secure location through which all TOPs and BAs can share model and forecast data, complete lists of all available ICCP points and any other documents that need to be shared.
Standards: TOP-003 Task Force TOP3 TF Members Stacen Tyskiewicz (BPA) Gareth Lim (Peak RC) April Freeman (Peak RC) Jonathan Aust (WAPA) Jim Hiebert (CAISO) Craig Figart (Avista) Parviz Ebrahimzadeh (SDG&E) Nico Chondro (PGE) Jan Grammar (PGE) Skye Sellars (TPWR) Chris Yoon (PSE) Deliverables Survey Requirements document “TOP-003 Guidelines” Document Template for the data specification List of POCs per entity
Standards TOP-001-3 (R9) Requirement 9: Each BA and TOP shall notify its RC and known impacted interconnected entities of all planned outages, and unplanned outages of 30 minutes or more, for telemetering and control equipment, monitoring and assessment capabilities, and associated communication channels between the affected entities. In their response to the WECC EMSWG question involving interpretation of TOP-001-3 R9, WECC seems to indicate that entities are required to notify data-sharing partners prior to a momentary outage related to a regularly scheduled EMS failover. The WECC EMSWG strongly disagrees with this guidance and would like to have the following interpretation approved: For Energy Management Systems (EMS), momentary outages caused by purposeful failovers between redundant systems are considered out-of-scope as “planned outages”. If a purposeful failover is unsuccessful, resulting in an extended outage, then interconnected entities should be notified if that unplanned outage goes beyond the 30-minute time limit.
Work Group Reports
Energy Management Systems Work Group (EMSWG) Chair: Jonathan Aust (WAPA) In 2016, the EMSWG will be focused on newly approved standard TOP-010-1 with a goal of ensuring a consistent understanding and collaborating on possible solutions and best practice. Summary: Requires each TOP and BA to have criteria for evaluating, provisions to indicate and actions to address issues with quality in the real-time data used for monitoring and analysis. Adoption by NERC Board: May 5, 2016
Data-Exchange Work Group (DEWG) Chair: Devin Miroy (WAPA-SNR) Vice Chair: Eric Mscichowski (SMUD) WON Connection and Data-Use Agreement Approximately 25% of Connected Entities have signed and submitted the updated agreement. WECCNet Retirement Functionality of WECCNet was replaced by Peak RC’s new Reliability Messaging Tool (RMT) RMT “Go Live” date was June 23 The old WECCNet system is no longer in use but will not be decommissioned for several weeks.
Physical Security Work Group (PSWG) Chair: Jay Spradling (SRP) In 2016, the PSWG will remain focused on CIP-014. Their next meeting is scheduled for July 21-22 and they plan to elect new leadership at the meeting. Other agenda topics include: Update on CIP V.5 and CIP-014 Latest issues with handling bomb threats and scares from the Salt Lake City PD Bomb Squad Lessons learned from a substation break-in Securing a datacenter inside substation The PSWG is working with WECC on identifying a secure location for sharing information with the broader WECC membership.