Information and Communication Technologies
Aims of the syllabus Applies ICT in everyday situations and develops an understanding of the part which they play in the world around us. Develops an ability to apply ICT in other subjects, particularly Mathematics, Science, Economics and Technology. Develops computer abilities by considering problems and conducting individual and co-operative enquiry and experiment, including extended pieces of work of a practical and investigative kind. Develops an understanding of basic computer science principles. Students acquire a foundation appropriate to their further study of ICT or other disciplines.
Curriculum content Short history of computers and ICT. Basic schematics of a computer. PC architecture Archiving data. Compressing files Binary arithmetic. Number systems in bases different than 10 Binary arithmetic. Conversion between bases Spreadsheets and statistics Introduction to programming HTML
Assessment at a glance Continuous Assessment - 75% Final Exam – 25 %
Assessment objectives AO1 Recall, select and communicate knowledge and understanding of ICT. AO2 Apply knowledge, understanding and skills to produce ICT-based solutions. AO3 Analyse, evaluate, make reasoned judgements and present conclusions.