Managing Performance through Job Design and Goal Setting 15 Managing Performance through Job Design and Goal Setting
Learning Objectives Discuss the background of job design as an approach to managing for high performance. Define the job enrichment and job characteristics approaches to job design. Present the quality of work life (QWL), sociotechnical, and high-performance work practices (HPWPs) approaches to job design. Explain goal-setting theory and guidelines from research. Describe the application of goal setting to overall systems performance.
Starting with Best-Practice Leader’s Advice Goldman Sachs’ Steve Kerr on Designing Jobs and Setting Goals for Performance Improvement Chief learning officer and managing director Previously VP of corp leadership development & CLO at GE Draws on academics and real-world experiences GE workout program Reduces work load by getting rid of red tape and minutia Has gone through a series of changes More exposure to team practices at GE Boundaryless organization perspective Stretch goals are destructive Don’t set goals that stress people
Job Design Background on Job Design Job Enrichment Job Rotation Job Enlargement New Challenges Job Enrichment
Job Design (Continued)
Job Design The Job Characteristics Approach to Task Design (Continued) The Job Characteristics Approach to Task Design Diagnosing and Measuring Task Scope Practical Guidelines for Redesigning Jobs Engagement, Disengagement, and Social Information Processing
Job Design (Continued)
Job Design (Continued)
Quality of Work Life, Sociotechnical Design, and HPWPs Quality of Work Life (QWL) Sociotechnical Design High-Performance Work Practices (HPWPs)
Goal Setting Theoretical Background of Goal Setting Major Dimensions of Goal-Setting Theory Refinements of Goal-Setting Theory
Goal Setting (Continued)
Goal Setting Research on the Impact of Goal Setting (Continued) Research on the Impact of Goal Setting The Importance of Specific Goals The Importance of Difficult and Challenging Goals Goal Acceptance, Participation, and Commitment Self-Efficacy and Goals
Goal Setting (Continued)
Goal Setting Research on the Impact of Goal Setting (continued) Objective and Timely Feedback Other Moderators in Goal Setting A Word of Caution Regarding Goal Setting
Goal Setting (Continued) Other Theoretically Related and Performance Management Techniques Associated with Goal Setting The Application of Goal Setting to Organizational System Performance Impact on the Psychological Contract
Goal Setting (Continued)
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