Intro. Information Assurance (Assignment#1) Name: Hadeel Al-Eisa ID: 200801009
Outline Background Vision & Mission Business Segments Type of organization and type of information it keeps Organization Information Assurance Policy Any lost or miss use of Information Conclusion Recommendations References
Background Schlumberger is the world's largest oilfield services company. It was founded in 1926 by the French brothers Conrad and Marcel. Its principles offices are located in Houston, Paris and Hague. It employs more than 113,000 people of over 140 nationalities working in around 85 countries worldwide. Schlumberger manages its business through 35 GeoMarket regions, which are grouped into four geographic areas: North America, Latin America, Europe & Africa, Russia, Middle East and Asia.
Vision & Mission Mission Statement: The Schlumberger Employees Credit Union's purpose is to help our members meet their changing needs by providing quality financial services. Vision Statement: For SECU to be recognized as the preferred financial provider by: Responding to members changing needs Providing cost-effective, quality services anytime, anywhere Developing motivated employees who are clearly focused on members needs Establishing leadership in ever-changing financial services resulting in superior long term employee/member relationships.
Type of organization and type of information it keeps: It is an oilfield services organization; its offices are spread around the world. They keep valuable and confidential information such as the oil extracting rates, operation information, researches and experiments, specific information about the oil fields and equipment, the tracks of the shipments, financial and management information and their employees' personal information.
Organization Information Assurance Policy: Passwords Security Questions Security Test Installed Security systems in the issues computers. Rules on using Wi-Fi and Cable internet connection. Physical security policies
Any loss or misuse of information At Schlumberger limited, they have never faced any hacking or cyber-attacks, loss and misuse of information. Strict policies and on keeping the confidential information secured and assured.
Conclusion: - large companies and especially oil field companies are more likely to be in a huge loss when being attacked. - the risk of getting their confidential information released would affect the whole world trades, stocks, economy and all the markets. - The fear of this huge loss explains the importance of the information assurance.
Recommendation After attacking Saudi ARAMCO, Schlumberger Ltd and other oil field services companies may be in danger of getting a similar attack because of the connection between Saudi ARAMCO and Schlumberger systems. Spend more effort and money on protecting and assuring the information systems. focus on the risk-based information assurance plans and other system protection applications
References Schlumberger. (2012). SECO History & Mission. Retrieved July, 20,2012 from Schlumberger. (2012). Corporate profile. Backgrounder. Retrieved July, 10, 2012 from
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