Superintendents’ Network Instructional Rounds IASB Convention November 18, 2010
This is the Bonnie and Elmore clip
Presenters Chris Armstrong, Superintendent – Highland CSD Greg Ebeling, Superintendent – Spencer CSD Cathy Molumby, Superintendent – Valley CSD Dennis Wulf, Superintendent – Norwalk CSD Mary Delagardelle - IASB
School Administrators of Iowa Sponsors: AEA system School Administrators of Iowa Collaborative Partners: Iowa Association of School Boards Department of Education Higher Education Iowa State Education Association
Iowa’s National Recognition Only state with statewide “network of networks”
Statewide Participation 115 Superintendents 16 AEA Leaders 2 Department of Education Representatives 5 Professional Organization Representatives (SAI, IASB, ISEA) 1 Higher Education Representative
Goals of Instructional Rounds Build skills of network members by coming to a common understanding or effective practice and how to support it. Support instructional improvement at the host school by sharing what the network learns and by building skills at the local level.
What is a network? It is: It is not: A learning community A method to examine the system It is not: Learning in isolation A method to evaluate teachers or principals
What is an “Instructional Rounds” visit? Inquiry process Disciplined practice Components: Host identifies Theory of Action Problem of Practice Focusing Questions Network conducts classroom observations Network debriefs generates questions or suggestions for Next Level of Work Host and network follow-up
Benefits to superintendent Network Participation: Enhances skills for leading district instructional improvement Deepens knowledge of instruction and student learning in the district Provides evidence, not assumptions, regarding instruction and student learning Contributes to Individual Professional Development Plan Models collaborative learning Provides collegial network focused on teaching and learning Provides structure to work closely with leadership team on improvement of student learning
This is the clip of Anne, the board member
Benefits to district Participation provides: Insight to learning at the classroom level Insight to learning and instructional trends across a building or district level Considerations for “next level of work” Opportunity for frequent superintendent- board conversation about student learning
Systems, not individuals, must steward the core. “If you haven’t organized every part of the system to relentlessly focus on and support the core, the best you’re going to realize is some learning for some students, and it will often be in spite of the system, not because of it.” - Curtis and City
What’s the Role of the Board in all of this??
Role of the Board. . . Spend time learning about the purpose and importance of the Network Decide what you want to accomplish For the superintendent For the district Provide support for participation Regularly monitor progress Consistently communicate about the network
Questions? Contact: AEA Chief Administrators Bonnie Boothroy, School Administrators of Iowa and Director of Iowa Leadership Academy,