6th Annual Professional Development Day PMI Eastern Iowa Chapter November 1, 2013
Welcome from your 2013 Board of Directors Mark Bazzell VP of Communications Behram Kasad President Carol Scherrman Past President Denise Boeding VP of Education Mary Phelan VP of Finance Patty Collins VP of Operations Darwin Hochstedler VP of Outreach
Add value with Agile, Lean, and Project Management Office Professional Development Day Featuring: Maria Matarelli: Agile Techniques and an agile project simulation Deb Secor: How to Apply Lean Enablers Tom Mochal: How PMOs can help Projects Execute Better, Faster, and Cheaper
The PMI Eastern Iowa Chapter thanks all of our sponsors and volunteers for today’s event Your generous support makes this event possible!
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
In-Kind Sponsors
Reporting Your PDUs Go to the Continuing Certification Requirements System (CCRS) at https://ccrs.pmi.org Login with your PMI username and password Category A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component Activity type: Find an Activity (Course or Event) Provider number: C100 Activity code: Certificates will be provided at the end of the day
PDD Survey Your feedback is important! Within the next few days, you will receive a survey at the e-mail address you provided at registration Please provide input on The value of today’s sessions The venue Our PDD marketing Suggested topics for our 2014 PDD
Don’t Forget to Register for Door Prizes Drawings will be held this afternoon Drop your business card or paper with your name and employer into the bowl Must be present to win!
2014 Board of Directors Election October 31: Board approves slate of candidates November 4: Candidate information and ballots sent to membership November 11: Voting ends November 13: Results validated November 14: 2014 Board of Directors announced at chapter meeting Remember to vote
Volunteer for the 2014 PMIEIC Leadership Team Director of Certifications Director of Individual Outreach Director of Logistics Director of Professional Development Director of Marketing Director of University Outreach Director of Newsletter Director of Website and Technology Director of Programs Director of Member Relations Earn PDUs and increase the value of your PMI membership Contact the current BOD to learn about these positions
Experiencing Agile Maria Matarelli, PMP, PMI-ACP, CSP Discover the benefits of Agile and learn by doing in an Agile Project simulation. Learn techniques to cut through extra process and get results. Whether you are adopting Agile, assisting your organization in change and leadership alignment, or a project manager that simply knows evolution is the key to the complete project manager, Agile skills and experience is the next step. Learn key elements for increasing your speed to market, experience the benefits in a project simulation, and discover Agile techniques that you can begin to immediately apply in your work environment.
The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs Deb Secor, Principal Program Manager at Rockwell Collins Showcases how her Lean Engineering Accelerated Planning (LEAP) team successfully applied best practices from TheGuide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs during development of an aircraft remote-visioning system. The Guide was released in 2012 by the Project Management Institute (PMI), the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Learn from Deb how to apply lean enablers at the outset of the planning process to drive substantial savings across the life cycle of a program.
Building, Marketing, and Measuring a Value-Add PMO Tom Mochal, President of TenStep, Inc. and winner of the PMI 2005 Distinguished Contribution Award, enables you to put all the pieces together to make sure that Project Management Office (PMO) work provides value, the value is measured, and the value is communicated. Do not let your organization’s PMO be viewed as an overhead organization that is a barrier to swift project completion. Tom will teach you how PMOs can help projects execute better, faster, and cheaper.
Join us at the November chapter meeting Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:15 – 9:00 a.m. Shores Event Center, Cedar Rapids Last chapter meeting for 2013 As in prior years, we are proactively cancelling our December 2013 and January 2014 chapter meetings due to the holidays
Videos Morning Preferred - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKIPD8nFUM Morning Optional - http://vimeo.com/27372319 Afternoon Preferred - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnwQYwAnud4