Mini Lesson 9/30/16 Describe the 5 long term causes of the American Revolutionary War.
British Conflict with American Colonies Section 7 British Conflict with American Colonies
Salutary neglect
French and Indian War
Navigation Acts
The road to American Revolution
Sugar Act (1764)
Quartering Act (1765) required colonial citizens to provide room, board and food for the British soldiers stationed in the colonies
The two taxes above were tame in the eyes of the colonists… ***The two taxes above were tame in the eyes of the colonists….not really enforced, so wasn’t that big of a deal*** UNITIL THE STAMP ACT!!!!!!!!!!
Stamp Act (1765) **required that all paper in the colonies was to have to be stamped such as all printed materials **1ST DIRECT TAX ON THE COLONISTS. (a tax paid directly by the consumer)
Stamp Act Congress Representatives from 9 of the 13 colonies meet in NY Create slogan “no taxation without representation” only colonial legislatures had the authority to tax the colonists. they didn’t mind external taxes (like on exported goods cuz everyone who traded w/ England paid them) HATED internal taxes (taxes created just for colonists)
“No taxation without representation” Patrick Henry, a lawyer from VA, accused the British gov’t of violating their rights the colonists wanted representatives in England’s Parliament to vote on the taxes
Sons and Daughters of Liberty **led by Samuel Adams **colonists took the law into their own hands **intimidated tax collectors by attacking their homes, burning them and even tarring and feathering them
Samuel Adams
Declaratory Act 1766 **created in response to the Sons and Daughters of Liberty ** proclaiming that Parliament had the right tax the colonies “in all cases whatsoever.”
Townshend Acts (1767) **intended to punish the rebellious colonists **brought harsher taxes on imported goods such as glass, paper, lead and tea **also passed writs of assistance: gave British custom officials to search colonial homes, businesses and warehouses for smuggled goods.
Boston Massacre (1770)
Boston Massacre (1770)
Committees of Correspondence ** Created in response to the Boston Massacre ** purpose: to spread propaganda and keep the rebellious moods -used a network of letter-writers and forerunners of the Continental Congress **Samuel Adams started the first committee. - key to keeping the revolution spirit rolling.
Boston Tea Party (1773)
Intolerable Acts (1774)
First Continental Congress **representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies (GA no come) traveled to Philly in Sept. 1774 to discuss acceptable forms of protest and reaction to the Intolerable Acts. **Colonists sent a letter called Declaration of Grievances to the king to urge him to correct the wrongs incurred by the colonists. **DID NOT WANT INDEPENDENCE YET!!!! **Colonists agreed to meet again in May 1775 if their grievances had not been addressed by the crown **They would be ignored by the King
Lexington and Concord (1775)