311 Stroud Circle 901-464-5611 cameronwilliams400@yahoo.com
Background Born in Memphis, Tennessee 38127 aka the Frayser area Frayser is the western tip of a peninsula created by the Loosahatchie and Wolf Rivers as they converge into the Mississippi River just north of Downtown Memphis Population: 44,144 Fun Fact: Dallas Cowboys free safety Ken Hamlin attended Frayser High School.
Alma Mater is Brighton High School, located in Brighton, Tennessee 38011 Brighton was established in the year 1873 along the newly completed tracts of the Memphis and Paducah Railroad upon the lands of A. W. Smith, Sr. who gave the initial five acres for the Depot grounds In 1883, the veterans of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry, Confederate States of America made Brighton the permanent site of their annual reunion Population – 2,735 GPA- 2.7, ACT- 19, member of the Tameka R. Hart Honor Society & I played on the basketball team my freshman year. I also enjoy fishing, hanging out with friends, building things, and contemplating a situation
Working Summary I usually babysit my niece and nephew throughout the week for my sister while she is at work. My uncle’s house is a work in progress and I help him with all of his home repairs, such as: window replacement, framing doors, sealing holes in the walls and painting. I have also help my grandfather pave is driveway and repair his weather damaged stairs.
The person(s) who has made the greatest impact on my life would have to be my immediate family. My reason is, we all came from a rough background but nothing seems to break our spirit. I’ve seen them struggle through tough times and still able to maintain a positive attitude, so I try to follow in their footsteps everyday. My older brother always told me, “Never rush things. If you take it slow and go at a pace you’re comfortable with things will always go right.”
Skills, Achievements, and Goals My skills include: arc welding, cutting wood, painting, window repairing, mechanical, and I’m a easy hands-on learner. Achievements: 2x City Champion in Basketball, Tameka R. Hart Honor Society I plan to become an industrial engineer
Why I Deserve This Job Fedex is a job where you have to be mentally strong and able to work in a friendly environment. I have what it takes to compete and encourage my coworkers to better themselves as a person and as a employee. My strengths are my leadership, mental toughness, and self motivation. My weakness is my assertiveness