Falls and Pressure Injuries Collaborative Learning Session 2 Falls Prevention Project Shirley Ross HOD Nursing Medicine & Health of Older People WDHB
Our team Sponsors: Medical, Nursing , Quality & Allied Health 4 Multidisciplinary working groups Repeat fallers group Visual reminders and communication Toileting and mobility Post incident Falls Review
Interventions tested Falls Assessment Policy Update Morse Falls Assessment Tool Nursing Handover forms (Trendcare) Policy Update Review of falls policy Review of falls audit tool
Interventions tested Awareness strategies Falls prevention poster and pamphlet Falls alert sticker and magnets Falls alerts in PiMS Falls prevention webpage staff education and awareness education FDNH posters April Falls Day awareness campaign
Interventions tested cont. Prevention Strategies Non slip socks Floor line beds for use with multi fallers and patients with delirium WDHB wide falls identification sticker Pyxis medication alerts for meds that cause drowsiness Hourly Rounding
What we learnt PDSA cycle works- we ran regular pilots for 2 weeks at a time to ensure new strategies were adequately tested and refined. Large MDT group with fortnightly meetings and clear objectives ensured buy in and motivation across all disciplines.
19 Improvements to date Time Period FY 11/12 Outcome n (pre improvements) n (post improvements) % Reduction TOTAL FALLS 1275 1193 7.6 % REPEAT FALLS 160 127 21 % SERIOUS HARM FALLS 19 17 16.6 %
The Data x 1000 Bed Days Steady decline in Repeat Fallers since June 2012 Since April 2012 Fall numbers have stabilised
Falls Cross standardisation
What we’re still developing Gain GM sign off to continue working on the Red Shower Curtains Continue to monitor Hip Protector and Personal Monitor pilots Continue working on Patient Information poster with Graphic Designer
Continuing activity Continuous monitoring of falls prevention initiatives Regular audits to ensure compliance with expectations Post falls review promptly with prevention actions implemented Monthly reports to clinical governance and WDHB board