Nervous System!
Functions There are three main functions of the nervous system Receiving information about what is happening inside and outside your body Directing how your body responds Helping to maintain homeostasis
How the nervous system works! Nerve cells are called neurons The message neurons carry is called a nerve impulse This is one cell!
Mo’ Nervous System! Structure of a neuron Dendrites pick up stimuli and transfer it towards the nucleus
Neuron Structure An axon carries the impulse away from the nucleus towards the target (NNN some can be three feet!)
3 Kinds of Neurons Sensory Neurons pick up stimuli and converts it into an impulse
3 Kinds of Neurons Interneuron Analyzes the sensory input and decides how to respond
3 Kinds of Neurons Motor Neuron Sends an impulse to a muscle or gland
How does a nerve impulse travel? At the axon tip a nerve releases chemicals that carry the impulse across the gap to the target (either another neuron, muscle, or gland) This junction where a neuron transfers the impulse to another is called a synapse.