The American Revolution Calhoun Fourth Grade
Standards 4-3.4 Summarize the events and key battles of the Revolutionary War, including Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Charleston, Saratoga, Cowpens, and Yorktown.
The First Continental Congress In September 1774 representatives from every colony except Georgia met at the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. George Washington and his fellow Patriots voted to stop all trade with Britain and begin training militias Some militia groups called themselves minutemen
Lexington and Concord “Shot Heard Round the World” Lexington and Concord were two small towns outside of Boston The first shots of the Revolution were fired at Lexington. Begins the war -April 19, 1775 The British marched out of the city of Boston to capture suspected troublemakers, such as the members of the Son’s of Liberty at Lexington
Lexington and Concord “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” British Soldiers quickly opened fire in Lexington killing eight and wounding nine more Only one British soldier was wounded This event was called, “the shot heard round the world”
Battle of Lexington and Concord - 1775 The British wanted to destroy the military supplies that were stored by the colonists at Concord, but could not find the weapons Minutemen were ready when the British arrived at Concord and the Patriots had the advantage causing the British to retreat to Boston Paul Revere set out to warn the militias in Lexington and Concord by riding west shouting the news that the British were coming
Where was the Battle of Lexington and Concord? Both these towns are in the colony of Massachusetts in the time of 1775.
Midnight Ride of Paul Reverep Click to hear a reading of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
“The Shot Hear Around the World” The British are coming! The British are coming!" Now, the ride of Paul Revere Set the nation on its ear, And the shot at Lexington heard 'round the world, When the British fired in the early dawn The War of Independence had begun, The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled. And on to Concord marched the foe To seize the arsenal there you know, Waking folks searching all around Till our militia stopped them in their tracks, At the old North Bridge we turned them back And chased those Redcoats back to Boston town. And the shot heard 'round the world Was the start of the Revolution. The Minute Men were ready, on the move. Take your powder, and take your gun. Report to General Washington. Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose! Now, at famous Bunker Hill, Even though we lost, it was quite a thrill, The rebel Colonel Prescott proved he was wise; Outnumbered and low on ammunition As the British stormed his position He said, "Hold your fire till you see the whites of their eyes!" Though the next few years were rough, General Washington's men proved they were tough, Those hungry, ragged boys would not be beat. One night they crossed the Delaware, Surprised the Hessians in their lair, And at Valley Forge they just bundled up their feet!
“The Shot Hear Around the World” And the shot heard 'round the world Was the start of the Revolution. The Minute Men were ready, on the move. Take your blanket, and take your son. Report to General Washington. We've got our rights and now it's time to prove. Well, they showed such determination That they won the admiration Of countries across the sea like France and Spain, Who loaned the colonies ships and guns And put the British on the run And the Continental Army on its feet again. Bottled up by Washington and the French Fleet, Cornwallis surrendered and finally we had won! And though they lost some battles too, The Americans swore they'd see it through, Their raiding parties kept up, hit and run. At Yorktown the British could not retreat, Bottled up by Washington and the French Fleet, Cornwallis surrendered and finally we had won! The winner! Hurray! From the shot heard 'round the world To the end of the Revolution The continental rabble took the day And the father of our country Beat the British there at Yorktown And brought freedom to you and me and the U.S.A.! God bless America, Let Freedom Ring!
Liberty Kids of Lexington and Concord Click the picture below to follow the link bellow
Liberty Kids – Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Click the picture to watch the liberty kids video of the midnight ride of Paul Revere
The Second Continental Congress The Second Continental Congress began meeting in Philadelphia in May 1775. One of the first things this Congress did was form the Continental Army As a result, the Second Continental Congress met and named George Washington Commander-in-Chief of the army.
Liberty Kids – Second Continental Congress Click on the picture to watch the Liberty Kids video on the Second Continental Congress
Bunker (Breed’s) Hill “Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes” June 17, 1775 William Prescott led 1,200 men Patriots knew if they could control Bunker/Breed’s Hill they could bring up cannons and fire them down on the British in Boston The goal was to force the British to leave Boston The British prepared more than 2,00 men to attack
Bunker (Breed’s) Hill “Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes” The patriots prepared to face the British and Prescott gave his men this advice, “don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” The Patriots waited and when the British got within a hundred feet and fired This drove the British back
Bunker (Breeds Hill) - 1775 The British attacked again, but were driven back again When the British went for the third attack the Patriots were out of ammunition. The British overpowered the Patriot army, but the battle demonstrated the power of the Americans
Battle of Bunker Hill - 1775 The Americans were forced to surrender when they ran out of gunpowder The battle showed the power of the Patriots fighting from behind rocks and trees on the British formations.
Bunker (Breed’s) Hill - 1775 Americans learned that they needed allies to provide ammunitions (weapons and gunpowder) and assistance The British soon evacuated Boston and sailed to New York where they hoped to find Americans who were still loyal to King George III
Liberty Kids – Bunker Hill Click the picture to follow the link to liberty kids
Liberty Kids – Washington Takes Command Click the picture to watch the Liberty Kids video about Washington taking command of the Continental Army
Battle of Saratoga “Turning Point of the Revolution” September 19, 1777 in New York Called the “Turning Point of the Revolution” The British were trying to divide the Patriots by splitting the colonies at the Hudson River The British predicted this would end the Revolution
Battle of Saratoga Because of this victory, the French were willing to enter into an alliance with the Americans This alliance provided aid in the form of ships, soldiers, supplies, and financial assistance (money)
Battle of Saratoga Click the picture to view a short clip on the Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Saratoga Click the picture below to watch the Liberty Kids video of the Battle of Saratoga
Help From France Click the picture to watch a Liberty Kids video that shows Frances aid to the American colonists during the war.
Siege of Charleston 1779-1780 After Saratoga British turned their attention to South Carolina The British attempted to capture Charleston The port of Charleston was under siege by the British for days It was attacked by blockading the harbor and cutting off supply lines Finally, the city surrendered South Carolina was left in chaos
Battle of Cowpens January 17, 1781 – South Carolina Important Colonial victory Showed cooperation of the regular Continental Army and the irregular partisan forces The partisan forces tricked the British and the Continental Army defeated the British
Battle of Yorktown “One of the most skillful military battles” October 6-19, 1781 –FINAL BATTLE OF THE WAR The British set up a fort in Yorktown At first Washington thought of attacking the British from the North, but then realized they could be trapped at Yorktown
The Battle of Yorktown Washing saw that if he brought his army south to join Nathanael Greene’s army, American and French soldiers could surround Yorkton by land The French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay The French assisted General George Washington and his army by blockading the this harbor (in Virginia). The blockade prevented British ships from entering the harbor
The Battle of Yorktown The British troops were surrounded by American and French forces on land and sea Washington defeated Cornwallis Britain surrendered
Battle of Yorktown Click the picture below to follow the link to the Liberty Kids Video
The Treaty of Paris Americans celebrated by ringing bells, firing, cannons, feasting, and dancing The American Revolution was officially ended by the Treaty of Paris signed in 1783 by Americans Benjamin Franklin, john Adams and John Jay. In this treaty Britain recognized the United States of America as an independent nation