Families By: Tyra McMahan For McMahan Counseling


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Presentation transcript:

Families By: Tyra McMahan For McMahan Counseling

Sticking together Families are never supposed to break apart they are supposed to stick together!!!

Family fight Every once In a while there will be a time where you and someone in your family will fight but the only thing you can do is to be a protagonist(known as the good guy)

Bad Punishments from parents If you do the wrong thing toward the other person in that family you could get horrible punishments!!!! (P.S. the are not good)

Ignorance You might some times ignore someone in your family because you mad at them but sometimes you just have to shake it off!!!

Being fair! Say that you had two kids and you just let one of them have candy that would not be fair ! Unless one of them did their chores and the other one didn’t that would be ok. So remember…. Be fair!!!!!!

Screaming And Cursing At KIDS It is not nessacary to curse or scream at kids it might get them mad, it might hurt their feelings or it might make them scream or curse back!! And that’s not nessacary either.

Why oh why!!! You wonder why siblings try to be mean to the other sibling. Why oh why do they do that???? Don’t you wish sometimes you could just punch them or slap them? I’ve felt like that personally it hurt real bad and you’ll feel embarrassed. Then you’ll think about it and say, “Hey does that really matter I need to get on with my future and if I have to I’ll have to apologize I will!”

Birthdays When your child has a birthday you parents might want to try to celebrate!!!!!!!! They like parties and fun things to do. When you show them that you love and care for then they will feel special and loved!!!!

To Many Chores!!!! If you treat your kid like they are the maid in your house you might be going overboard with there chores. For example… If you made your child clean the WHOLE HOUSE EVERYDAY that is going overboard with the chores!!!

Being scary Never ever scare your child they do not like to be scared. For Example if you told your child that there were monsters under their bed tat would scare them!!! So be careful about what you say to your child.

New kin If you ‘re mom has a baby you might already have siblings you have to deal with! The new sibling might give you a headache. I thought the new siblings (and stepmom) would be mean and annoying but it turned out to be that they were really nice!! So if you feel if someone new in you’re family is mean just wait they'll be nice to you eventually.

Horrible ABUSING It is not good to abuse a child especially when you are the mother or father of the child you are abusing!!!! If you do abuse a child it is a possible chance you might have to go to court or jail and that is not good so think before you even try!!

Arguing in front of KIDS Kids do not like to see parents argue it might make them think you don’t care for them or don’t love them or it might make them feel upset themselves so if your mad you try to take it away from the kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going back and forth with the CHILD If you and your child argue at least you try to stop the fight with the kid and maybe just punish them and stop the argument because the argument could case real fighting like punching and that might cause a serious injury

STRESS If you get stresed because of you child that means you are letting them do way too much ! Make sure that you don’t over stress your child and don’t let them over stress you. DON’T GET STRESSED!!!!!!!!

Saying inopropiate Things In Front of child When you say bad words in front of your child they might say it to somewhere else like school so try not to say any bad or innapropiate words. If sometimes you feel like you just have to step outside so they won’t hear.

Punishments When our child does something bad they might need to get a punishment or spanking they do not like that but thy have to have one every once in a while. If you do way to much of that it is not good!!!! So be wise of what you do.

TOO MUCH If you make your child obey you like a slave that is not good ! For example…if you make your child kneel to you and you make them tell you that you are the best that is just mean and not nice!!!!!!So do not do that.

Taking care of your child When you make sure that all of your kids clothes are clean and that they are getting feed and that they are staying out of trouble that shows that you care for them!!!You need to take really good care of your child

Hugging your child Kids like when you hug them it makes them feel loved you might want to give your child a hug every one in a while . They like that!!!!!!!! It also makes them fell warm inside there heart! Hug your child.