Year 3 Spring Term Numeracy Addition and Subtraction Literacy Writing and using Fractions Using multiplication and division Facts Exploring lines and turns Understanding number and Place value Literacy Explanation Texts Traditional Tales Reports Poetry P.E. Swimming Creative Curriculum Geography Identify the Ancient Roman Empire and Compare to modern world maps. Spanish Spanish speaking countries Greeting people and saying goodbye Asking and answering questions to create conversation Count and write numbers to 10 Name of family members and using it in a sentence History Ancient Romans. Art Mosaic Letters Create a tapestry about the battle fought between Boudicca and the Romans D.T. Build a Roman fort Make a Roman solider PSHE Living Long, Living Strong Daring to be different Science Food and our bodies Mirror, Mirror R.E. Adam and Eve. Garden of Eden. Cain and Abel. Being Fair and Just. Remembering roots – people, places and events. Being loyal – What sort of friend are you? Passover – Pesach – read the story from the Bible. Computing: 3:3 – We are presenters 3.4 – We are network engineers