Foreign Language Survey March 10, 2017
Warm up Write a paragraph explaining what you learned from the video about Southern Spain. Tell about what you though was the most interesting part of the video.
Las Cortesías Adiós- Good-bye Hasta la vista- Until later Hello Good byes Hola- Hello Buenos días- Good morning/day. Buenas tardes- Good afternoon Buenas Noches- Good evening Adiós- Good-bye Hasta la vista- Until later Hasta mañana- Until tomorrow Hasta luego- Until later.
Spain:- Let’s check your work Do the word search and identification on the first page. Read the second page and do the activities that go with that.
The Spanish Empire Read the page with a partner and complete exercise 5.
Pamplona: The Running of the Bulls Read the article about the Running of the Bulls. Complete exercise 10
Bullfighting: Culture or Cruelty Read the article about Bullfighting. Complete exercises 6 and 7.