THE SOUTH EXPANDS: SLAVERY AND SOCIETY 1820-1860 Unit III, Chapter 12, Lesson 6
CRASH COURSE APUSH - SLAVERY -Video can be found at:
THE COTTON KINGDOM What is the effect of the growth of cotton production on slavery? What was life like for the planter elite? What was life like for the majority that didn’t own slaves?
DEMOCRACY IN THE SOUTH What was the effect of the secret ballot? Who did political policies of the era reflect the views of? How did the South attempt to diversify?
AFRICAN AMERICAN WORLD What was evangelical black protestantism? What were it’s views and effects? What was slave culture like? What was marriage/kinship like in the slave society? Why was resistance to slavery not prevalent?
FREE AFRICAN AMERICANS What was life like for free blacks in the United States? What was the role of free blacks?
READING Read Slave Auction in Richmond, VA (1854) - pp. 303-305 Slave Management on a Mississippi Plantation (1852) - pp. 305-307 A Slave Named Ben (1826) - pp. 320-321 Edmund Ruffin Defends Slavery - pp. 312-313 The Enslavement of Solomon Northup (1841) - pp. 321-322 After reading do the following: Summarize the reading Describe/assess what life would be like in the South during the antebellum period based on your reading.
CHRISTMAS SONG CREATION Create a song (based on a Christmas song) about the South during the Antebellum Era. Topics that need to be included in your song: The Cotton Kingdom (effects of the increase of cotton production) Life for whites in the South (wealth planters, yeomen farmers) Make sure your song is CLEAN and creative! You will be sharing this with the class.
QUIZ QUESTIONS CREATION Based on chapter 12, create TEN multiple choice AP questions that you could see on the quiz next class. Remember, these should be AP level questions. Create one short answer quiz question.