PH Department News Discussion with management Shutdown in 2012 or 2013: decision taken June 2011 Duration: 15 to 18 months Possibility to run 3-4 months off-line after stop if requested at “ right psychological moment” When the shutdown dates are decided Richard will prepare a manpower/resource plan for 4 months offline running. Magda/Yorick will re-contact the users for more precise offline beam requests. Booster upgrade 2016? Bldg 275
PH Dept News II New Coordinator started in October New Fellow Thomas Cocolios started in July New Student Kara Lynch started in Sept. Jenny will continue as ISOLDE secretary under a Norwegian contract starting April 1st funded ½ by Ph and ½ by the collaboration (Thanks to Sunniva!)
TNA 6 CERN/ISOLDE Selection committee in place Yorick Blumenfeld (CERN) Maria J G Borge (Madrid) Peter Butler (Liverpool) Karl Johnston (Saarbrucken/CERN; solid state physics) Magdalena Kowalska (CERN) Karsten Riisager (Aarhus) First call beginning of August First decision by committee August 31 First payment : Sept. 1 As of Oct. 22: 33 physicists from 10 experiments supported for a total of 25 000 Euros. Workshop and User’s meeting: Dec 8-10, 2010. Plans to hire technician (50% Julien Thiboud) and post-doc for 2 years. Other WP: EURISOL-NET; ACTILAB; PREMASS
MOU Issues Welcome to Greece and Ireland Korea close to signing South Africa Israel?? Portugal – nothing MOU signed: LNL, Calcutta, Korea, GANIL.
Call for Letters of Intent (deadline May 21) 34 Letters submitted 284 Participants from 76 Laboratories in 22 Countries 30 LOIs make use of the Energy and Intensity increases; 4 of the intensity upgrade only Major mechanisms are Coulex (13) and transfer(16); elastic scattering(3); fission(2) (3) letters concern masses and moments; (4) astrophysics and (5) major new instrumentation Major subjects: Nuclear shapes ; Shell evolution; Halo properties; Nuclear astrophysics
LOI participants by Country
LOI Spokespersons by Country
HIE ISOLDE Physics Group I • The spectrometer is important – There should be a working group set up and space reserved (J. Cederkall will be asked to organize a meeting/workshop for groups interested in the project) • Timing properties are crucial for many experiments: neutrons, PARIS, GASPARD, Helios require time resolution better than 1 ns on target, Buncher/chopper seems necessary (to obtain 100 ns bunch period). • Beam spot size should be smaller than 3mm and better. • HELIOS and neutron detection require space. • Energy resolution and precision were never mentioned. • The question of a storage ring is not yet clear. The workshop organized in Heidelberg at the end of October should provide more information.
HIE ISOLDE Physics Group HIE-ISOLDE beam features missing at present (but required by experiments): Time structure (timing): bunching and debunching + chopper 1 mm diameter for HELIOS (but 3 mm might also work) 100 ns microbunch structure would be beneficial Agreement of the layout (which needs to be fixed by June 2011): In 2014 there will be 2 short beamlines (for Miniball and a second detector) and a third, U-shape beamline will be most probably added when the funds are available (to decide on this, one should compare it with the cost of moving Miniball from the first beamline to the final position at the U-shape beamline) A working group on the spectrometer should be set up (get back to the people who submitted HIE-LOIs and involve Jyvaskyla who has built such a device, check interest in building this device) The community should be stimulated to obtain the remaining funds for the different packages HIE-ISOLDE will require 2 DAQ rooms (and a viewing area) Yorick will ask for a fellow (funded partly by ENSAR) to work on the DAQ system and time-stamp issues Follow-up: TSR storage ring workshop in Heidelberg