Assessment 10/12/2016.


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Presentation transcript:

assessment 10/12/2016

Preschooler Room 1 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Play dyad w parent Book reading/retell w parent (encourage child to tell story or spend time describing) Play dyad w clinician w option for high pressure play to stimulate more stuttering PPVT w child (good control variable & gives hint into some language processing) Room 2 Record with overhead camera Parent interview w all hx questions (need separate room & 2 clinicians for this part of session) Review w parent how to fill-out ISPP & give copies for parents & grandparents (any available caregiver that spends time w child)

School-age Room 1 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Play dyad w parent Book reading/retell w parent (encourage child to tell story or spend time describing) Play dyad w clinician w option for high pressure play to stimulate more stuttering TOCS w child SSI-4 will receive speech sample data—might need reading sample PPVT w child (good control variable & gives hint into some language processing) Introduce OASES to child while parent in other room Review w parent & child how to complete OASES together (child’s perspective) Room 2 Record session with overhead camera Parent interview w all hx questions (need separate room & 2 clinicians for this part of session) Review w parent how to fill-out ISPP & give copies for parents & grandparents (any available caregiver that spends time w child) Review TASCC with parent for school personnel to complete Review TOCS Observation rating for parent & school personnel to complete

Adolescent/teen Room 1 Room 2 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Interview questions for hx Speech samples: monologue, conversation, phone? SSI-4 will receive speech samples—might need reading passages (for reading speech sample) Be prepared to offer basic educational information about stuttering Causes (genetics & brain); universal fluency enhancing behaviors; famous people; Basic treatment progression: educate, identify, desensitize, modify, transfer, generalize Treatment options: all evid-based programs include active home program  personal trainer analogy We can discuss tx options later…introduce Comprehensive Integrated Approach to stuttering therapy Comprehensive: WHO-ICF; Stutt/stutt Integrated: FS + SM + CBT Review OASES for accurate completion but use today as conversation starters Room 2 Interview questions for parent as well as teen can get from our class. We need good hx.

adult Room 1 Web cam setup for speech recording of Conversation, Monologue, & Reading Interview questions for hx Speech samples: monologue, conversation, phone? SSI-4 will receive speech samples—might need reading passages (for reading speech sample) Be prepared to offer basic educational information about stuttering Causes (genetics & brain); universal fluency enhancing behaviors; famous people; Basic treatment progression: educate, identify, desensitize, modify, transfer, generalize Treatment options: all evid-based programs include active home program  personal trainer analogy We can discuss tx options later…introduce Comprehensive Integrated Approach to stuttering therapy Comprehensive: WHO-ICF; Stutt/stutt Integrated: FS + SM + CBT Review OASES for accurate completion but use today as conversation starter Any family members/partners interested & available to participate someday?

Speech samples: Round one IF parent indicates that stuttering was representative during play dyad/story retell….then we can proceed 1st week post-dx (within 7days of dx session*) 1st & 2nd year review video clips & identify best section of video to analyze (100- 200 syll) 1st year transcribes; 2nd year reviews & provides feedback *always communicate w me re:timing, schedule, stress

Speech samples: round two 2nd week post-dx: day 7-14 1st year codes stuttering behaviors as best they can (see next slide for initial codes to use) 2nd year reviews & adds to coding (via class notes & MMA manual), discusses w 1st year both students meet w Jessica to review coding both students work together to compile data into table (get full report template from Jessica)

Initial round of coding by 1st year Try going back now and determining what type of stutter behavior each stutter is…you can put the following codes immediately after the event: [B] = block with a slash to indicate the sound that got stopped à like p/izza[B]; funny g/uy[B] [P] = prolongation with periods to indicate the sound that got sustained à he is…[P]; let’s w…ait[P]; [SR] = sound rep with dashes to show number of iterations & a number to show the number of repeated sounds before the actual wordà like p-p-p-pizza[SR3] [WR] = word rep w dashes to show number of iterations à I like-like-like[WR2] pizza [PR] = phrase rep w dashes to show number of iterationsà he knew-he knew-he knew[PR2] him Note: in a repetition, the final production of anything repeated doesn’t get counted as a repeated unit because it links to the final & target unit.