Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Outline About the Labour Program Mental Health in the Workplace Workplace Indicators Psychosocial Risk Factors The Labour Program Approach About the National Standard Challenges and Gaps Discussion Questions
About the Labour Program The Labour Program promotes safe, healthy, cooperative and productive workplaces in the federal jurisdiction . Through legislation, programs and services, the Labour Program helps to foster good working conditions, constructive labour-management relations and workplaces free from discrimination. FEDERAL JURISDICTION WORKPLACES MARINE TRANSPORT PUBLIC SERVICE CROWN CORPORATIONS CERTAIN FIRST NATIONS ACTIVITIES PIPELINES BANKING TELECOMMUNICATIONS BROADCASTING AIR, INTERPROVINCIAL RAIL AND HIGHWAY ROAD TRANSPORTATION
About the Labour Program (cont’d) Develop, administer and enforce workplace legislation and regulations, such as the Canada Labour Code Health and Safety Officers (HSOs) across the country are responsible for inspections and ensuring compliance with the Code HSOs are supported by compliance and technical experts
An Emerging OHS Issue Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulators and technical experts have traditionally focused on physical hazards Evolving workplace has changed the nature of the hazards Employers, employees and regulators, including technical experts, all must respond to this emerging issue
-World Health Organization Mental Health “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his own community.” -World Health Organization
The Economic Impact According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada: Mental health problems and illness are the number one cause of disability in Canada; In any given year, one in five Canadians experiences a mental health problem or illness; Mental health problems and illnesses cost the Canadian economy at least $50 billion per year (approximately 2.8% of Canada’s GDP); and Over the next 30 years the total cost to the economy will have added up to more than $2.5 trillion.
Mental Health in the Workplace The workplace can contribute positively to a person’s mental health, exacerbate an existing mental illness, or contribute to the development of new one. Some of these mental health issues arise from the workplace, through: job stress; technological concerns; workload/ work-life balance; and violence (such as bullying and harassment) A psychologically healthy and safe workplace is one that promotes workers’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to worker psychological health including in negligent, reckless or intentional ways.
Workplace Indicators Absenteeism Medical Leave/Disability Employee Turnover Presenteeism Grievances Workplace Injuries Health Costs Work time Lost
Psychosocial Factors Psychosocial Factors Psychological Support Workplace factors that impact employees’ psychological response to work and work conditions, potentially causing psychological health problems Psychological Support Organizational Culture Leadership and Expectations Civility and Respect Psychological Competencies & Requirements Growth & Development Recognition & Reward Involvement & Influence Workload Management Engagement Balance Psychological Protection Protection of Physical Safety
Why Should Employers Take Action? The employer is responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace to employees. A positive psychological health and safety culture will result in healthier, more productive workplaces. While there are no legislated requirements specific to mental health, there are provisions in the Canada Labour Code that require the employer to address the workplace factors that could harm the psychological health of employees.
The Canada Labour Code Recognizing that workplaces evolve and it can be a challenge for legislation and regulation to keep up, the Hazard Prevention Program (HPP) serves as a way to address developments in policy/procedure in the workplace. The HPP requires that employers identify specific hazards present in the workplace and develop a plan to mitigate those hazards. Employers are also expected to protect employees from incidents of workplace violence.
The Labour Program Approach Focused on: raising awareness of the issue and of obligations under our legislation in federal jurisdiction workplaces; sharing and promoting useful tools and resources; and developing a better understanding of the issue and how it impacts workplaces in the federal jurisdiction. Developed training materials for Health and Safety Officers (HSOs)
Canadian Best Practices: The National Standard
Canadian Best Practices: National Standard Research Project
Challenges and Gaps Stigma Awareness of the issue Lack of reliable data Sector differences Appropriate training for Health and Safety Officers Technical support