Civilian Recruitment in the 21st Century : A USA Staffing® Briefing for Applicants
Apply through USAJobs/Application Manager Applying Apply through USAJobs/Application Manager Create/store up to 5 different resumes Submit supporting documentation Track status of all applications in Application Manager View messages sent regarding status Initial acknowledgment of receipt of application package Qualifications/referral notification Non-selection notification Application package vs. Resume Includes resume, assessment questionnaire responses and supporting documents Everything required before the close of the announcement! USAJobs/Application Manager (AM) Applicants can create and store up to 5 Resumes in USAJobs, allowing customized resumes to be used for specific vacancies Applicants will have clear instructions on what documentation is required depending on the claimed eligibility, qualifications requirements, other requirements. Applicants can upload these documents one time and can select for reuse on any future applications. Status tracking of all applications, including in-progress ones, will be available in AM. All status notifications will be viewable in AM, as well as emailed to applicants if email address is provided. Responses to questionnaires are required as part of the application package and must be submitted before closing to be considered. “Best Qualified” determination is based on the self-reported assessment responses Application Package Instead of only being required to submit a resume (and self-nomination), applicants will now respond to questionnaires and provide any required documents at the time of application. All aspects of the application package must be submitted before the close of the announcement for an applicant to be considered.
Application Package Resume Able to tailor resume to specific job opportunities Must include complete dates (month/year) and for each employment period. May be in the format of your choice Can be created using USAJobs template Must be uploaded under “Resume” in order to receive consideration Only one resume per application will be considered Resumes: Applicants can create and store up to 5 Resumes in USAJobs, allowing customized resumes to be used for specific vacancies Resumes can be in any format as long as the required information is included. Resumes can be created in USAJobs from scratch, copied and pasted from the Army Resume Builder or uploaded. All uploaded resumes need to be in the area labeled “Resume” for consideration. Only one resume per application package will be considered.
Application Package Assessment Questionnaire Serves two purposes To determine eligibility To determine qualifications Eligibility and qualification determinations based on selected responses to a series of questions Better demonstrate job specific qualifications Assessment questionnaires contain a series of questions embedded in the announcement and serving two distinct purposes. The first part of the questionnaire serves to determine eligibility and asks the applicant to identify which group(s) from the “who may apply” groups applies to them. Some documentation may be required to confirm eligibility. The second part of the questionnaire contains a series of job related questions which form the basis of the applicant’s self-assessment. The responses to these questions are used to determine whether the applicant meets the criteria for “best qualified” or not. USAS allows the applicants to clearly identify which skills, knowledge or abilities management considers vital for a successful candidate to possess. This is more transparent than the use of Resumix skills as each question specifically describes an attribute and there is no “buzz word” matching.
Application Package Supporting Documents Clearly specified in the announcement to establish eligibility and qualifications Notification of Personnel Action (i.e., SF-501 or DA-3434) DD-214, SF-15, Veterans Administration Letter; Request for Terminal Leave2 Transcripts Licenses/certifications Additional documentation as required in the vacancy announcement Upload to your USAJobs account or in Applicant Manager and reuse for all future applications All supporting documents required at the time of application are clearly specified in the job announcement. Some documents will be required to support eligibility (e.g., veteran documents) and others to support qualification (e.g., transcripts if there is a positive education requirement or a specific required license) Once supporting documentation is uploaded to USAJobs, the applicant can reuse them in future applications. There is no need to upload multiple times. 1 For current Federal employees 2 For veterans
How To Apply to Federal Jobs Search for current Federal vacancies at by typing in a location or zip code. Specific instructions on submitting an application package can be found by clicking on “How to Apply” tab Start the application process by clicking “Apply Online” from the job announcement Login or create your USAJobs account Click on “Apply for this position now!” You will be directed to “Application Manager” and click on “Proceed with my Application” Complete required information
Who May Apply These are groups of individuals the agency may identify as groups from which it will accept applications for its vacancy! All US Citizens Current Agency Employees with Competitive Status VEOA/VRA and 30% Disabled Veterans Recent Graduates Pathways Interns
Intern Programs and Recruiting Internship Program (Pathways) Administered by each hiring agency Agencies may hire interns on a temporary basis for up to 1 year, or for an indefinite period to complete the educational requirement. Interns may work part or full-time. Each agency must sign a Participant Agreement which sets forth the expectations of the internship. Intern’s jobs will be related to the Intern’s academic career goals and or field of study. Agencies provide the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) with information regarding their internship opportunities and post information publicly on USAJOBS.
Intern Programs and Recruiting Recent Graduates Program Recent graduates who have completed, within the previous two years, a qualifying Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, Doctorate, vocational or technical degree or certificate from a qualifying educational institution. Veterans unable to apply within two years of receiving their degree, due to military service obligation, have as much as six years after degree completion to apply Mentorship throughout the program Individual development plan for career planning and professional development At least 40 hours of formal interactive training each year of the program Positions offer opportunity for career advancement May be converted to permanent position
Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF) Eligibility Individuals who have completed within the past two years, a qualifying advanced degree (e.g., masters or professional degree) or who will meet advanced degree requirements by August 31 of the year following the annual application announcement. An individual may apply for the PMF Program more than once as long as he or she meets the eligibility criteria. However, if an individual becomes a Finalist and subsequently applies for the PMF Program during the next open announcement, the individual will forfeit his or her status as a Finalist. The PMF Program is centrally administered by the PMF Program Office within OPM. OPM announces the opportunity to apply for the PMF Program (usually in the late summer or early fall) on the PMF and USAJOBS websites. Applicants go through a rigorous assessment process to determine Finalists. OPM selects Finalists based on an evaluation of each candidate's experience and accomplishments according to his or her application and results of the assessments. OPM publishes and provides agencies with the list of Finalists.
Questionnaire Example Establish project timelines to ensure mid-point and long-term goals are met. A- I have not had education, training or experience in performing this task. B- I have had education or training in performing the task, but have not yet performed it on the job. C- I have performed this task on the job. My work on this task was monitored closely by a supervisor or senior employee to ensure compliance with proper procedures. D- I have performed this task as a regular part of a job. I have performed it independently and normally without review by a supervisor or senior employee. E- I am considered an expert in performing this task. I have supervised performance of this task or am normally the person who is consulted by other workers to assist them in doing this task because of my expertise.
Go to USAJobs and click at the top to create an account. Fill out the requested personal information, create a user name, password, and click that you agree to terms and conditions. Then Create MY Account. You will then be routed to the following page.
1 Click on edit profile and fill out the requested fields until you get to the page that says “Finish”. When you click finish it routes you back to this home screen. Once the profile is edited click “Resumes”. You can choose to “build new resume” which is a system template or you can “Upload New Resume” from your hard drive. Building using the system template ensures that you have included all required information in the resume to determine qualifications. You are allowed 5 resumes. After loading in your resumes click on “My Account at the top of the page to be routed back to the home screen. Next upload all documents you may need such as SF-50, DD214, transcripts etc. To do this go to “Saved Documents” Under upload documents give your document a name, select document type from the drop down and then find it on your desktop. Then click upload. Repeat until all documents are loaded. Now you are ready to search for jobs by typing a location in the “Where” section at the top. 3 2
1 Once you find a job you like, click the “Apply Online” on the right side of the screen You will then be prompted to enter your username and password that you created when you created an account.
Civilian Human Resources Agency Applicants will see a pop-up message introducing the new application process
Every page displays a progress banner. Civilian Human Resources Agency Every page displays a progress banner. This box displays the steps in the USAJOBS portion of the application process, highlighting the applicant’s current status. Reminder: All federal applicants begin the application process in USAJOBS and finish the process in the agency’s talent acquisition system (i.e., USA Staffing). These first five steps are common to all federal applications; the rest of the process will vary according to the agency’s talent acquisition systems requirements. JOA position title, agency, and closing date. Clicking on the position title will return the applicant to the top of the JOA. The “Who may apply” link sends the applicant to the Who May Apply section of the JOA.
Civilian Human Resources Agency Once a resume is built (or uploaded to the USAJOBS account) it will appear on the Select Resume page of the application process. Applicants can see which resumes were built in the USAJOBS resume builder, and which were uploaded. Applicants select ONE resume to submit as part of their application. Note the first item under “Do Not Include in Resume” is Classified Information!
Civilian Human Resources Agency Step 2: Select Documents Applicants are given a visual cue their application progress has been saved. Required documents language from the job opportunity announcement
Civilian Human Resources Agency USAJOBS stores up to 10 documents One, some, or all documents can be attached to an application Documents are identified by the date uploaded so applicants can select the most recent version Applicants can view the document prior to attaching to the application
Civilian Human Resources Agency Step 5: Continue Application with Agency
Civilian Human Resources Agency Transfer to agency talent acquisition system….with progress bar and a visual cue which includes flying application documents…..
USA Jobs will route you to Application Manager which is the system used to administer the questionnaire. Biographic Information- Start at the top. Much of the personal information may already be filled in for you since it flowed from USA Jobs. Eligibility Information Section- Asks things like lowest acceptable grade, Veteran preference claim, Occupational specialty you want to be considered for if there it is a interdisciplinary job, Geographic availability. Other Information- Asks questions like full time work, part time, temporary or, how many days you are willing to travel, date you could start if selected. Assessment Questionnaire- On internal announcements we will see 2 on the left side titled “Assessment Questionnaire” The questions under the first one will have to deal with Area of Consideration and will look just like the eligibility example given earlier. The second Assessment Questionnaire- Determines minimum qualifications and houses all of the questions. An example of a question and response scale was shared earlier. The job related questions go on until you get to the ReUse documents section.
1 ReUse Documents Section (VERY IMPORTANT AREA)- Documents that have been uploaded will show up in the “Documents in Application Package for Vacancy” area. If you used documents you loaded into USA Jobs they should appear in the area. If they do not appear in there then you do not have anything attached. You can also re-use documents here that you have used in the past in case you forgot to load something into USA Jobs. You must place the check next to the document then hit “Re-use Selected Document” at the bottom. When you hit that you should see the document populate into the “Documents in Application Package for Vacancy” area. Once again if nothing shows in that area nothing is attached. 2 3
1 Upload Documents- You are given one last chance to upload documents into the system here. In this case I should make sure I get a SF-50 loaded because its missing. Documents re-used or uploaded should be seen at the bottom “Documents on File” (note: under status you may see it pending a virus scan which is okay) 2
Submit my Answers- make sure you hit that “submit my answers” button, you do not your application won’t be valid. Also keep in mind that you can submit and change your application. If you do make sure you work your way all the way back to this screen and hit “submit my answers” again. View/Print my answers- you can view and print your answers for your record in this area if you would like.
When the application is ready, you’ll be sent form USAJOBS to the agency application system. You may be required to complete agency required documents such as a questionnaire or upload additional documents. The time it takes to apply depends on the job you are applying for. You can check the status of your application in your USAJOBS account.
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) Points of Contact Kenneth Torrence Human Resources Specialist 586-282-6104 Frances Muntford Senior Human Resources Specialist 586-282-0010