Colorado Collaborative for Internet Colorado Educational Broadband Coalition
Panelists Josh Chisom, Education Super Highway Tim Miles, Steamboat Springs School District Jarred Masterson, East Central BOCES Moderator, Denise Atkinson-Shorey
Introductions and Background A little information from our panelists
Josh Chisom, Education Superhighway
Kids Link Colorado – Improving K-12 connectivity in Colorado Colorado BOCES Association – Fall quarterly meeting October 3, 2016
Agenda Introductions EducationSuperHighway Kids Link Colorado Next steps Jack
We are working with over 20 states across the nation to Connect all schools to fiber Find cost-effective broadband options Implement robust Wi-Fi in every classroom Minnesota and Nevada are engagements = 20 states
We will help these districts upgrade at no cost Our bandwidth upgrade program is designed to help districts upgrade before E-rate timeline Hold kickoff call to understand current bandwidth and future needs Research broadband provider options Help districts write RFPs that meet minimum connectivity goals Help districts select vendor and procure a solution after bids received Provide technical and implementation support after RFP submitted ----- Meeting Notes (2/16/17 17:08) ----- Take out the "E-rate references" to put the dates in here (help them select by)
We will help these districts upgrade at no cost Our bandwidth upgrade program is designed to help districts upgrade before E-rate timeline Hold kickoff call to understand current bandwidth and future needs Research broadband provider options Help districts write RFPs that meet minimum connectivity goals Help districts select vendor and procure a solution after bids received Provide technical and implementation support after RFP submitted ----- Meeting Notes (2/16/17 17:08) ----- Take out the "E-rate references" to put the dates in here (help them select by)
Kids Link Colorado
Kids Link Colorado is bringing broadband access to CO schools A partnership with between the Office of the Governor, the Governor’s Office of Information Technology, and EducationSuperHighway Working with Colorado Department of Education, BOCES, local board, school leaders Aarti
Compare & Connect K-12
Compare broadband services Get more bandwidth for your budget. Find out what other school districts are buying to support digital learning. Compare & Connect K-12 allows you to compare your school district’s broadband speeds and prices to nearby school districts to help get more bandwidth for your broadband budget.
Tim Miles Steamboat Springs School District
Participants our office
Factors impacting Changes Increased Bandwidth Need for Students E-Rate 2.0 Increased Funding Special Construction Option Increased Competition Districts Aggregating Needs Increased purchasing power Schools
Jarred Masterson, East Central BOCES
Comparative Costs for Colorado Districts Bandwidth availability differs Costs vary widely Additional Services District 1 District 2 District 3 40 mb 100 mb 1000 mb $4650/ mo $3900/ mo $820/ mo No firewall Firewall extra cost Firewall included No filtering Filtering extra cost
Colorado Schools Bandwidth Costs Over 10 years $800 per mbps 1 bid response to rfp 2008 $87 per mbps 2016 $.82 per mbps 7 bid responses to rfp 2018
Questions from the Audience Colorado Collaborative for Internet: Bringing Broadband Connectivity to all schools in Colorado
Thanks for your participation today! Colorado Collaborative for Internet: Bringing Broadband Connectivity to all schools in Colorado
Panelist Contacts Tim Miles Josh Chisom Jarred Masterson Josh Chisom Jarred Masterson Denise Atkinson-Shorey Please keep in touch