„Natura 2000” in the area of Siedlce
In the Forest district appointed areas „Natura 2000” There are three special protection areas of habitat: Ostoja Nadliwiecka, Gołobórz and Dąbrowy Seroczyńskie Three special areas of protecting birds: Dolina Kostrzynia, Dolina Liwca and Lasy Łukowskie
Special protection habitat area „Natura 2000” Ostoja Nadliwiecka It is the most valuable under terms of nature area High biological diversity Characteristic elements are riparian forests The most common and covering the biggest surfaces are riverine alder- ashes
Special protection habitat area „Natura 2000” Gołobórz Very interesting examples of ice and postglacial sculptures Specific geological structure and diversified in landscape Almost 80% of the area are the forest communities Not wooded area overgrow moors, grasslands, herbs, rushes and willow scrubs
Special protection habitat area „Natura 2000” Dąbrowy Seroczyńskie That area is forest complex of remnants natural forest communities with sessile oak.
Special protection birds area „Natura 2000” Dolina Liwca This area includes the valley of the river Liwiec with grasslands and pastures created on drained marshs. In the valley prevail grassland and pastures. Locally there are alder riparian forests and alder- ashes and small forest complex.
Special protection birds area „Natura 2000” Dolina Kostrzynia This area includes the valley of the river Kostrzyń together with glasslands, wetlands and fish ponds. They surround them riparian forest, alders and scrubs.
Special protection birds area „Natura 2000” Lasy Łukowskie This area includes forest complex forest Łukowskie. There are areas headwaters of rivers: Krzna South, Krzna North, Kostrzyń and Świder.
Sources http://www.siedlce.warszawa.lasy.gov.pl/obszary -natura-2000#.VxcUaqYXdbg
Presentations Made Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 4 w Siedlcach Students third-class Technical Landscape Architecture Marta Grudzińska Sylwia Gumienniczuk Monika Szewczyk