Action Planning for Irish Bird Conservation Peadar O Connell Species Policy Officer BirdWatch Ireland
Background Funded through the environment fund of the Dept. of Environment, Heritage & Local Government The project aims to deal with some of the issues raised by the European Court of Justice in their ruling against Ireland in December 2007 Specifically the protection of priority bird species and their habitats in the wider countryside
Goal & Objectives of the Project To produce species and habitat conservation Actions for birds which, when implemented will lead to the protection and recovery of nationally and internationally important birds in the wider countryside. To create Action Plans for priority Irish birds and their habitats in the wider countryside To inform policy on bird conservation with particular emphasis on their requirements To create strong, mutually beneficial partnerships with stakeholders thereby aiding the implementation of Actions
A Framework for Bird Conservation in Ireland
An Overview of the Framework An ecosystem approach focusing on birds and their habitats throughout the country is required We face an unique problem although the basic idea of our approach is not untested (North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Danish & Dutch Group Species Action Plans) Species Action Plans will be the main focus Broad Habitat documents give the SAPs context in the wider countryside and will contain the following headings: Bird Conservation Ecological processes Land Ownership and Management Implementation Broad Habitat Objectives
The Framework Broad Habitats Groups Coastal & Marine Marine & Cliff Birds (inc. small offshore islands) Shore & Lagoon Birds (inc. mud/sand flats & beaches) Dunes & Sandy Grassland Birds (inc. Machair) Freshwater Wetlands Lake, Fen & Turlough Birds Riparian Birds (inc. canals) Farmland Lowland Farmland Birds Grassland Birds Human Sites Urban/Suburban Birds Woodland & Scrub Broadleaf, Mixed Woodland & Scrub Birds Plantation Woodland & Scrub Birds Bogs & Heaths Upland, Blanket Bog, Heath & Grass Moor Birds (inc. cutaway BB) Raised Bog Birds (inc. cutaway RB)
Species Action Plans Group SAPs will cover all species Adapted BirdLife International format Biological assessment Threats Treaties, legislation and policies relevant for management Framework for Action (group Objectives, Actions etc.) Single SAPs will be created for species which are not adequately covered in the GSAPs. They will be short and concise & will be linked to their respective GSAPs
Stakeholder Involvement Stakeholder involvement will be essential if Actions are to be implemented Stakeholders can be separated into species and habitat experts (e.g. NPWS, universities, NGOs), landuse and resource stakeholders (e.g. IFA, Coillte, An Bord Pleanála), Government departments (e.g. DoEHLG, DoCENR, DAFF) and other interested parties.
Workshops Each GSAP will require a workshop attended by the relevant stakeholders. Each workshop will aim to cover all topics within the Action Plan and reach consensus on the main threats and the best ways of overcoming these
Outputs and Time Scale The completed Framework will be available online on an interactive user friendly website which will be reviewed and updated when necessary, this will be universally accessible to all stakeholders and the general public. Hardcopy documents of each plan will also be developed although they will not be updated as regularly