An Ant’s Worst Nightmare! The Doodlebug: An Ant’s Worst Nightmare! Who Lives In This Pit?
This Amazing Trap Was Created By An Insect larva.
Ant Lions Are Predators: Ant lions are very interesting creatures. We can clearly see God’s design in the ant lion. They were created to live most of their lives underground. Only as adults do they venture out of the pits to find a mate and reproduce their young.
What Does A Doodlebug Look Like When Out Of The Dirt? Larva
What Are Some Lessons We Can Learn From The Doodlebug? The traps designed by the doodlebugs remind us of the many dangers we as Christians face each day. Like the unsuspecting ant that crawls along and falls into the pit, we too can be destroyed by things, if we don’t pay attention to our surroundings. Who, do you think, sets traps for us to fall in?
Do You Know A Story In The Bible Where A Person Was Thrown Into A Pit?
Who Rescued Him From The Pit? Sometimes, we, like Joseph, find ourselves in trouble which was no fault of our own. We are helpless to escape the situation without God’s intervention. God even allows us to face difficulties, sometimes, for His glory to be demonstrated, as it was in Joseph’s life. At other times, we find ourselves in trouble because of foolish choices we have made!
This ant is in trouble because she did not watch where she was going!
What Are We To Do When We Find Ourselves In A Similar Situation? Stop Struggling! The ant is only helping the ant lion by thrashing around trying to escape the pit. The more it scurries the more dirt falls in to entrap her. If a person wanted to help her, she could just place a stick into the pit and the ant could grab hold and be lifted out.
Ask For God’s Help! We all find ourselves in the pit of sin at times. God tells us He wants to rescue us. We begin our lives in the pit and need to have God rescue us from our sin so we can become His children. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Romans 3: 23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6: 23
What To Do When We Have Sinned: Even though we have been rescued from eternal punishment by the gift of Jesus’ death on the cross, and know our future is secure in Him, we often run right back into the trap of sin while here on earth. God’s remedy: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Be Washed Clean Again!
An Adult Ant Lion Is Transformed To Live Life Outside The Pit:
What’s Better Than Falling In The Pit Of Sin? Avoiding the trap, is much better! How do we avoid sin? We need to prepare ahead of time and be on our alert! “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119: 11
David Learned And Recorded This Biblical Truth: “I will walk in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.” Psalm 119: 45 He also realized the dangers around him! “The arrogant dig pitfalls for me, contrary to Your Law.” Psalm 119: 85 “Your faithfulness continues through all generations…” Psalm 119: 90
James Tells Us: “Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what It says.” Avoid the Pit!