Audiovisual archives and the Internet The case of the Music Library of Greece ” Stephanie Merakos Music Library of Greece “Lilian Voudouri” EBNA, Athens, 6 June 2014
ENUMERATE 92% are memory institutions with collections to be kept for future generations. 87% of institutions have a digital collection. Most institutions have a rich mix of heritage materials. Object type is text based (84%), visual 2D (84%), archival material (64%), time based material (56%) and 3D man-made material (48%). 34% of the institutions have an explicit policy regarding the use of the digital collections. Academic research is the most important reason to provide digital access to the collection (8,5). Least important reason is sales and commercial licensing. 26% of the institutions have a written digital preservation strategy that is endorsed by the management. 48% does not have a solution yet for long term preservation based on international standards for digital preservation. The estimated average budget for digital collections is €295.000.
Creating the European listening post PROJECT IDENTITY CARD Duration: 01/02/2014 - 31/01/2017 (36 months) Co-funded under the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme of the European Comission Total cost: €6.14m (€4.91m EU contribution)
24 Project participants British Library (Coordinator, UK), 8 National libraries British Library (Coordinator, UK), Bibliothèque Nationale de France (FR), Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DE), National Libraryof Latvia (LV), Österreichische Mediathek (AT), Statsbiblioteket (DK), Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (AT) 5 Archive & Research Centres: Netherlands Institute for Sound andVision (NL) Irish Traditional MusicArchive (IE), The Language Archive at MPI-PL (NL), Austrian Institute of Technology (AT), Centre national de la Recherche scientifique (FR) 2 Other public bodies: Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle bibliotecheitaliane (IT), Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (DE) 3 Non-profit organisations: Kennisland(NL), Europeana (NL), Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann (IE), Music Library of Greece of the Friends of Music Society(EL) 3 Universities : National Technical University of Athens (EL), Sabhal MςrOstaig (UK), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT) 3 Companies: NET7 SRL (IT), We Are What We Do (UK), UAB DIZI (LT)
Creating the European listening post CONTENT: 540,000 high quality sound recordings • Traditional and folk music • Soundscapes • Sounds of nature • Oral memories • Languages and dialects • Classical music • Contemporary music...
Europeana Sounds goals Increase the amount of audio content available via Europeana and improve geographical and thematic coverage Improve their access by enriching descriptions, developing techniques for cross-media and cross-collection linking Develop audience-specific sound channels that will improve search facility, navigation and user experience Promote the creative reuse of recordings Identify and advocate recommendations on how to resolve domain constraints and improve access to out of commerce audio content, working with music publishers and rights holders Build a network of stakeholders: specialists in technology, rights issues, software development and sound archives.
Music Library of Greece Collection 135.000 titles Disciplines Arts, Ancient Greek Art, Painting, Sculpture Music, Folk, World music, Jazz Greek Music Archive, Ancient, Byzantine, Folk, Art Formats Boosk and Scores Journals Microforms Audiovisual (CD, CDROM, lp, ca, tapes, DVD, LD, VC) Online data bases (full text journals ,bibliographic, sound, video)
Thrace Recording, study and promotion of the Thracian heritage in music and dance
Greek traditional music and dance 3.000 wma audio files of previously unpublished recordings (songs and interviews), 2.830 rtf files of sheet music, 6.500 jpg image files of photos and 2.000 wmv and mpeg files of videos of greek traditional music and dance.
Song and dance of Thrace, Greece
Audiovisual archives and the Internet The case of the Music Library of Greece Stephanie Merakos EBNA, Athens, 6 June 2014