2nd Nine Weeks Fiscal and Monetary Policy J. Conroy Jeopardy 2nd Nine Weeks Fiscal and Monetary Policy J. Conroy
Monetary Fiscal Hodge Podge Taxes 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
How many Federal Reserve Board of Governors? What is 7? How many Federal Reserve Board of Governors? Row 1, Col 1
What is an example of expansionary fiscal policy? Decrease Taxes or Increase Government Spending What is an example of expansionary fiscal policy? 1,2
What do supporters of supply-side economics believe? Competition is good, government should not be in the economy. What do supporters of supply-side economics believe? 1,3
Which type of tax increases as income increases? What is progressive taxes? Which type of tax increases as income increases? 1,4
How many Federal Reserve District are there? What is 12? How many Federal Reserve District are there? 2,1
What an example of contractionary fiscal policy? Decrease Government Spending and Increase Taxes? What an example of contractionary fiscal policy? 2,2
Fiat Money An item designed as money that is intrinsically (comes from within) valuable is… 2,3
Which tax remains the same for all income groups? What is proportional? Which tax remains the same for all income groups? 2,4
Why would the Fed raise the discount rate? To reduce the money supply? Why would the Fed raise the discount rate? 3,1
What would cause a leftward shift of the Aggregate Demand curve? A change in CIGXn What would cause a leftward shift of the Aggregate Demand curve? 3,2
Checkable Deposits, Cash and travelers checks What is included in M1? 3,3
Which tax decreases as income increases? What is regressive? Which tax decreases as income increases? 3,4
What is the Fed’s most used monetary policy tool? Open Market Operations What is the Fed’s most used monetary policy tool? 4,1
What is the wealth effect? When prices decrease you feel wealthier What is the wealth effect? 4,2
What was the problem with the wildcat era? State dominated, banks closing up What was the problem with the wildcat era? 4,3
The ability to convert to cash? What is liquidity? 4,4
When was the Federal Reserve Act passed? What is 1913? When was the Federal Reserve Act passed? 5,1
What is the Exchange Rate Effect? When US prices decrease, it is cheaper to buy US goods by foreigners and Net Exports increase? What is the Exchange Rate Effect? 5,2
What do classical economist believe? No government intervention, market only What do classical economist believe? 5,3
What is the time it takes for a policy to take effect What are outside lags? 5,4