By Beverly Cleary Presentation by: Zahayra Robinson Ramona Forever By Beverly Cleary Presentation by: Zahayra Robinson
Howie said he had a rich uncle coming to town. His uncle is not rich Howie said he had a rich uncle coming to town. His uncle is not rich. Howie likes his uncle and is very happy.
Howies uncle gives him a unicycle and he falls. And he gets hurt Howies uncle gives him a unicycle and he falls. And he gets hurt. Howie gets mad because he fell.
Ramona and Beezus got mad at each other Ramona and Beezus got mad at each other. Then they found out that their mother was pregnant. And they were exited about it.
Picky Picky died. Then Beezus and Ramona made up Picky Picky died. Then Beezus and Ramona made up. And their mother is now having her baby in July.
They were trying to find a name for the baby They were trying to find a name for the baby. And they all want different names. Then they picked one out.
Aunt bea was getting married. At first Beezus and Ramona were mad Aunt bea was getting married. At first Beezus and Ramona were mad. Then they were happy about it.
Aunt Bea was going to Alaska. And Ramona wanted her to stay Aunt Bea was going to Alaska. And Ramona wanted her to stay. Then they went shopping for bridesmate dresses.
Aunt Bea invited 29 third graders to her wedding Aunt Bea invited 29 third graders to her wedding. Then the bridesmate dresses did not come in. Then everybody got mad at eachotheir.
Aunt Bea lost her wedding ring. Then everybody got scared Aunt Bea lost her wedding ring. Then everybody got scared. Then Ramona found the ring.
Mrs. Quimby had her baby and it was a girl. Then they named it Raberta Mrs. Quimby had her baby and it was a girl. Then they named it Raberta. And Ramona loved her.