Geography Part of the Ring of Fire- many volcanoes throughout Archipelago- Thousands of Islands Few natural resources Most Famous Volcano & Mountain is Mt. Fuji Only 12% of the land can be used for farming
Agriculture MAIN PRODUCT: RICE (Only thing that is self-sustained for the country) Sugar Beets Fruits
Economy 3rd Largest Free Market Economy in the World Few natural resources so it imports all of them World’s Largest Stock Exchange in Tokyo Average Income: $32,600
Exports Japan has many manufacturing and processing industries to convert the raw materials into goods for export. Mainly electronics, cameras, and cars.
Automobile Exports
Population Despite Japan being numerous islands they have the 10th highest population in the world. 125 Million people Shibuya Crossing- Busiest Pedestrian Crossing in the World
OSHIYA- “People-Pushers” People employed to squeeze others onto the overcrowded subways in Tokyo & pull off any passengers that get on the subway too late
Education System 99% Literacy Rate Attend Elementary & Junior High but High School is voluntary 98% go on to attend high school & they must pass entrance exams to get into it Group needs & wants are placed in front of the Individual School year starts in April with 3 terms. Only have a 1 month break in the summer No Janitors- Students clean the school
Religions Shintoism- 83% Buddhism- 71% Most citizens belong to both Shinto is a religion of the heart A formative principle of life focusing on the background of Japanese culture, code of ethics, fine arts, family & national structure Purity- fundamental virtues of Shinto ethics (outer & inner)
Filial Piety Most important virtue in their culture Respect for parents and elders Believe that your Sensei (teacher) always knows best and you follow their instruction without any questions
Seijin No Hi “Coming of Age” On the 2nd Monday in January, all people who turn 20 that year are celebrated with a huge birthday party because 20 is an important age in Japanese culture. They will now be given more responsibilities & roles in society Given the right to vote
Shogatsu Japanese New Year Celebration Celebrates from Jan 1st-3rd Bonekei- “Year Forgetting” parties to commemorate the leaving behind of old worries & troubles