How Changes to Root Zone Management are Requested David Conrad ICANN CTO, but speaking in a personal capacity
TL;DR In the past No one was quite sure, but defaulted to NTIA Now No one is quite sure, but probably the RZERC
Before the Transition Nothing clearly defined. For example, signing the root Many years of technical community saying “Hey! Let’s sign the root!” <crickets> ICANN Board and other bodies saying “Hey! Let’s sign the root!” <rustling> Kaminsky attack <panic> NTIA says “ICANN and Verisign, give us proposals to sign the root.” ICANN and Verisign provide proposals NTIA uses some internal process, chooses Verisign’s proposal Root (eventually) gets signed
Stewardship of IANA Functions Contract Transition NTIA goes away “The Multi-Stakeholder Community” via the “Empowered Community” single membership replaces NTIA’s oversight role New entities created: Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) – wholly-owned (by ICANN) affiliate company to which ICANN outsources IANA Functions PTI Board: 2 ICANN staff appointees, 2 community appointees, PTI president Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC) Myriad of new IANA Functions review committees
Root Zone Evolution Review Committee RZERC provides advice to the ICANN Board on changes to the root zone management systems NOT on how root servers are operated Process by which this is done being defined (I think) ICANN Board makes decisions with input from RZERC (among others) SSAC: Russ Mundy RSSAC: Brad Verd ASO: Carlos Martinez IETF: Jim Reid GNSO RySG: Howard Eland ccNSO: Katrina Sataki RZM (Verisign): Duane Wessels ICANN Board: Suzanne Woolf IFO (PTI): Kim Davies
“ICANN”? Which ICANN? The Community The Board The Organization The IANA Functions Operator ICANN-the-Organization does what ICANN-the-Community or ICANN-the- Board tells it to ICANN-the-IANA Function Operator does what ICANN-the-organization (via contract) or ICANN-the- Community (via CSC or RZERC) tells it to
How to go about requesting new features? I don’t think anyone knows for sure, but a few options... Option 1: “Shame on IANA” IANA Staff’s freedom to implement enhancements is tightly constrained Option 2: get the IETF/IAB or other body to make a statement Might work, might not (see the IAB statement on the RPKI root) Option 3: go through ICANN’s Board Will probably (should?) get bounced to RZERC for advice Option 4: go through the RZERC Process not yet set, but envisioned to provide advice on root system evolution