Exposure Control Exposure = Intensity of Light (X) Amount of Time The camera’s ISO (sensor’s sensitivity to light) will determined how much Intensity of Light (X) Time will be needed to make an balanced Exposure. Intensity of Light is controlled by the aperture in the camera’s lens. You have several choices of aperture setting which is referred to as an “f/stop”. Time of exposure is controlled by the shutter built into the body of the camera. You have many choices of shutter speeds to choose from.
Exposure Control
Exposure Control Unit Of Measurement The unit of measurement used in photography to measure light is referred to as a “Stop”. ISO’s uses the measurement of a “Stop” Lens apertures (f/stop) uses the measurement of a “Stop” Shutter Speeds uses the measurement of a “Stop” Digital Cameras most often use the following measurements: full stops and 1/3 stops
Exposure Control ISO: is the camera’s sensor sensitive to light. Each camera will have a range of different ISO’s (Less Noise) ISO 50, ISO 100, ISO 200, ISO 400, ISO 800, ISO 1600, ISO 3200, ISO 6400 + (Increased Noise) Digital Noise resembles film grain and degrades the image: reduces sharpness, contrast, and color.
Exposure Control ISO’s in Full Stops Bright Sun: Lower ISO’s such as 100 to 400 are appropriate to use. Night or Indoors: Higher ISO’s such as 400 and above are appropriate to use. Can be changed picture to picture.
Exposure Control ISO’s in “full stops” double or half as you move from one to the other <-1/2X 2X->
Exposure Control ISO’s Set On Camera By : Dial / Function or Menu Setting Can Be Changed From Picture to Picture !!!
APERTURE - f/stops Exposure Control
Exposure Control f/stops controls the amount (intensity) of light that passes through the camera’s lens.
Exposure Control f/stops in “full stops” double or half as you move from one to the other <-1/2X 2X->
f/stops in 1/3 stop increments Exposure Control f/4 f/6.3 f/10 f/16 f/25 f/2.8 f/4.5 f/7.1 f/11 f/18 f/29 f/3.2 f/5.0 f/8 f/13 f/20 f/32 f/3.5 f/5.6 f/9 f/14 f/22 full stops in “red”
SHUTTER SPEEDS Exposure Control
Shutter Speeds Controls the amount of time that the light hits the camera’s sensor. Exposure Control
Exposure Control Shutter speeds in “full stops” double or half as you move from one to the other <-1/2X 2X->
Shutter speeds in 1/3 stop increments Exposure Control 1/30 f/80 f/200 1/500 1/1250 1/15 1/40 1/100 1/250 1/640 1/1600 1/20 1/50 1/125 1/320 1/800 1/2000 1/25 1/60 1/160 1/400 1/1000 full stops in “red”
Exposure Control Review
Exposure Control Exposure Modes Manual Aperture Shutter Program Auto Portrait Landscape Sport Close-up Plus many more!
Exposure Control Exposure Modes Manual Aperture Shutter Program The above exposure modes are considered “Professional” because you can fully control every setting on the camera, such as ISO, Shutter Speeds, f/stops!
Exposure Control Exposure Modes Auto Portrait Landscape Sports Close-up Fireworks Plus many more! The above exposure modes are considered “Amature” because the camera controls the ISO, Shutter Speeds, f/stops! But works very well in most situations!
Is a chart/graft that gives you precise exposure information. Exposure Control Camera’s Histogram Is a chart/graft that gives you precise exposure information.
Exposure Control Camera’s Histogram Normal Exposure
Exposure Control Camera’s Histogram Over-Exposure Clipping of highlight detail Clipping is the total lost of details in either the highlights or shadows
Exposure Control Camera’s Histogram Under-Exposure Clipping of Shadow detail! Clipping is the total lost of details in either the highlights or shadows