The Problem – We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards, if we are happy wont this inspire us to be more productive. Happiness
WHY? Everyone is different, that’s what makes us special or unique. Depending on what is happening in our lives, this will have a direct effect on how happy or how positive we are. Most people will think that where they live, work or how much money they have, will have a big impact on how happy they are. This is not necessarily true, it actually tends to have less of an impact than what people might expect. It’s all about choices and attitude and if you have the opportunity to increase your happiness and your positivity and of those around you - why wouldn’t you?
How might we encourage people to carry out a happiness activity on a daily or weekly basis to significantly change a habit until it becomes the norm? The Challenge - How might we encourage people to carry out a happiness activity on a daily or weekly basis to significantly change a habit until it becomes the norm?
Journal an experience Everyone’s interpretation of the secret theme: Words Books Pages Journal Paper Journal an experience
TREND SPOTTING Harvard Happiness Project Some Trends – Happiness at Harvard, Happiness & well-being apps, Tube Chat,
Happiness Badges 30 Circle challenge Colours Hashtags Design badges and make prototypes Prototype – #HappinessEffect #SChappinesseffect #ShropshireCouncilHappinessChallenge #SCHappy #SCHappiness #SCspreadinghappiness #ilabhappy
3 circle challenge Badge making: 3 THINGS – journal or reflect at the end of the day 3 things you are grateful for RAK – Random Acts of Kindness 30 Minutes more exercise a day
Desired Outcomes - Gets people having conversations about the badges Desired Outcomes - Gets people having conversations about the badges. Gets people to carryout nice things for others or do nice things, improve helath and well being, creates a happy work environment Success Criteria – change in work environment – happier and healthier
WHAT’S THE POINT? The solution to this challenge isn’t to get people to be happy and healthy as people generally are. The badges are a prototype – it’s purpose is to create conversation or a happiness-buzz in the work place and for colleagues to know they are part of a happy and healthy movement – which is open for anyone to join!