Multi- primary LED backlight Display Technology 人性化智慧型的先進顯示技術 (Green Smart Display Technology) project leader: 謝漢萍 (Han-Ping D. Shieh) Core members: Chin Hsin Chen, Po-Tsun Liu, Ya-Hsiang Tai, Hsiao Wen Zan, Wei-Chung Cheng, Fang-Chung Chen, Huang-Ming Philip Chen, Sung-O Kim Features: Green process, Lower energy consumption, high contrast ratio, High image quality, novel materials & devices, reduction of component Enabling technologies, materials, processing, and engineering for high image quality large-size TFT-LCD panel with R,G,B LED backlight, polarization conversion, large color gamut, sub-msec response LC, LPTS fabricated embedded drivers and image buffer, EMD, etc。 Multi- primary LED backlight time I Fast switch & Multi-stable LC Integrated circuit
Goal of Achievements To be a world center of display technologies research and education; the best among major Asian universities in Display research and education, and major conference papers. Significant contribution to local industries in advanced technologies. Int’l academic and industrial collaborations. SID 2006 paper Profile
Plan Advanced display technologies in novel materials, devices design and processing, module, light emitting module, color science; Supported by MOEA and major display panel and equipments communities. Collaboration with local/int’l research institutes/universities (ITRI, Tohoku Univ., Carnegie Mellon U.), industries (panel and equipments); Actively participation of int’l academic and professional societies. Optical efficiency: increase to 40%, Power efficiency: increase to 40 lm/w Color gamut: > 120% NTSC No color filter. Fast response LC: < 1 msec. High Contrast ratio: 10,000:1
Resource Needed Total: 10,000,000 NTD/year Facility and infrastructure establishment: 6,000,000 NTD Display common facilities:3,000,000NTD (annually) 1st year: Spectrophotometers-950: 3,000,000NTD Personnel: (graduate students, post-doc., visiting scholars) -2,000,000 NTD. Consumable and functional: 2,000,000 NTD. Total: 10,000,000 NTD/year