Core Content Coaching Social Studies Grade 6 4th 6 weeks World Cultures CRM 4 Unit1: Geography of Europe Unit 2: Early Cultures of Europe Unit 3: Today’s Systems in Europe Unit 4: Systems for All (Please allocate 45 – 50 minutes to view and discuss this module.)
Planning needs … School Calendar/Yearly Itinerary (YI) Curriculum Road Map (CRM) TEKS/ELPS/CCRS Textbooks: Our World Today, History Alive! World Cultures Kit A resource for quality texts A resource for higher order question stems Lesson plan template 2
Yearly Itinerary: Pacing, SCA, Eligible TEKS Yearly Itinerary information should be used along with school event calendar information to get an accurate of available instructional time. 3
Review CRM for Concept, Transfer Statement, Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions, Units, Vocabulary, Arcs, Resources, Pacing the Arc… Process Skills 6.21C, 6.21F, 6.22A 4
Social Studies Process Skills Use one or more in every lesson. Process Skills can be found at the beginning of the (Yearly Itinerary). 5
Look at the verbs, words, and phrases. Look at the TEKS being taught for the lesson. What students will need to know and be able to do. Look at the verbs, words, and phrases. What TEKS are addressed during this lesson? What academic vocabulary do students need to understand and use? Which strategies will you use to teach the vocabulary? What words or phrases in the TEKS may not be understood by the students? What guiding question(s) will facilitate understanding and mastery? 6
Unit 1: Geography of Europe TEKS verbs:6.3A pose and answer 6.4A locate 6.4D identify and locate 6.4F identify 7
TEKS: Look at the TEKS Verb, Words, Phrases… 8
Students Will Know … Students Will Be Able To … Read the Students Will Be Able To… How do these sections reflect what is in the TEKS? How will your teaching reflect these sections? Oral language strategies Written response strategies Questioning strategies Collaborative learning strategies Discuss in your group and share with each other: What activities will I use to engage my students and ensure mastery of these TEKS? How will I differentiate the activities for the students? 9
Deconstructing the TEKS The next three slides (10,11,12) contain work templates to assist you in deconstructing the TEKS and a slide (13) with Social Studies verbs to assist you in understanding the verbs, the expectations, suggested instructional strategies and assessment /products . 10
Deconstructing the TEKS: Step 1, Knowledge and Skills Statement 11
Deconstructing the TEKS: Step 2, Student Expectation 12
Deconstructing the TEKS: Step 3, Instructional and Assessment Implications 13
Social Studies Verbs 14
CRM: Assessment Evidence… 15
Pacing a Lesson… 16 Regular Class Period Block class Period Warm Up: 5 – 10 Minutes A sample European geography warm up can be found on slide #16. with an answer key. You may want to break this down into two days worth of warm ups. Answer key on slide #18. Instructional Activity: 40 Minutes Gallery walk on European geography and locations. Students will need their text, wall maps, and/or an atlas to answer the questions found in “All Around Europe” #1, 2, 3, and 4. (Slide #s 18 & 19). Post two sets of the questions on the walls and give students 10 minutes to answer each set of questions. Answer key on slide #20. Closing: 5 Minutes Debrief with students about the activity. What did they learn that they did not previously know? Ask students if any gaps on the activity sheets need to be addressed. Instructional Activity #1: 40 Minutes Gallery walk on European geography and locations. Students will need their text, wall maps, and/or an atlas to answer the questions found in “All Around Europe” #1, 2, 3, and 4 (Slide #s 18 & 19). Post two sets of the questions on the walls and give students 10 minutes to answer each set of questions. Answer key on slide #20. Instructional Activity #2 Geography Sandwiches: Using the textbook or an atlas, students create geography sandwiches. Knowing that sandwiches have two pieces of bread and a filling in the middle, ex. Belgium > ? < Spain or Norway > ? < Denmark. Have students create two sets of sandwiches: a set with countries and a set with cities. Student should create 8 -10 sandwiches for each category. Debrief with students about the activity. What did they learn that they did not previously know? Ask students if gaps on the activity sheets need to be addressed. 16
Geography Warm-Ups 17
Answer Key for Geography Warm-Up 18
Answer Key for All Around Europe Activity #1 Activity # 2 Great Britain (or England or United Kingdom) France The Netherlands Spain Germany Ireland Scotland (or Great Britain) Activity # 3 Activity # 4 Italy Russia Switzerland Denmark Norway Greece Turkey Vatican City Austria Finland 21
Anchors of Support for 4th 6 weeks Word walls Vocabulary cards Maps Text book: Our World Today Warm-ups Interactive Student Notebook activities 22
Geography Instructional Resources Geogames: City life in Europe: France & Paris European Union (various subjects/ppts): Discovery Education: “Fighting 20th Century Tyranny”, “Dictator for a Day” (Rome), “European History Tour”, (The Vatican ) “Where in the World is Mrs. Waffenschmidt? Website: http://www.educationworld/a_lesson/archives/waffenschmidt.shtml Paragraphs describing various European locations use activities #s 3,6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19,21, 25, 27 28, 33 Strait of Gibraltar: Geography of Europe: of Europe.ppt Straits of the World: Slides/ 23
Exemplar Lessons and other resources
Unit 2 Economics: CRM – Vocabulary and Resources 25
Unit 2: Early Cultures of Europe 26
Unit 2: Assessment Evidence and Lesson Resources 27
Unit 3: Today’s Systems in Europe 37
Assessment and Exemplar Lesson 40
Unit 4: Systems for All
Unit 4: Assessment Evidence
Unit 4: Lesson Planning Tools
This completes the CCC for the 4th 6 weeks units on European Geography, Economics, and Government. 44